in Abundance Tribe3 years ago (edited)

It is not only smaller, but also more secure than your dollar! ;)

I've just built myself a very cheap and still very secure airgapped hardware wallet to sign PSBT's :) out of a little Raspberry Pi Zero

As you can see it is very small. But still a complete desktop pc running Raspbian OS.
with Model W or WH it would also have wifi/ bluetooth and probably be enough for most people (who just email and surf with their computers)

but I have just the Pi zero model without W or WH and therefore it has NO Wifi NOR Bluetooth, which is just perfect and exactly what I wanted as an airgapped offline computer



it costed me less than 25 bucks
(5 for the pi, 15 for accessories and 5 for mail)

compare that with ledger, bitbox, trezor, coldcard

and keep in mind.. while paying more, you still also have to TRUST those manifacturers

or you can just built stuff yourself. it's not even hard anymore. ;)

now I have a very secure little offline signer.. which is enough as it is for me atm (very cold storage) and can be expanded very easily (just switch some software and add a camera & display for QR code signing :> - which would be even more secure cuz you wouldnt be transferring PSBTs over compromisable USB stick anymore)

the future is just fucking awesome!

another little size comparison

wish you a great upcoming week! ;)



"It is not only smaller, but also more secure than your dollar! ;)"

:D. Wie viele ich davon schon getötet habe :( aber Feinlöten ist wohl Übung.

Gefüüüühl :)

doof nur dass man momentan nur einen pro Shop bekommt - wenn überhaupt

bin gespannt wann wir am pivot point stehen