zoom live bible exposition/29/7/2021

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

When we gather together as brethren in the name of God,he is present in our mist according to the book of mattew 18:20.

Our gathering is very important to him, God listen to those who fear and obey his commandments, when we hearken to his doctrine,when we talk and desire the things of God and do his will he will always listen and remember us according to the book of Malachi 3:16.

When we forsake the path that pleases us,the things of the world and choose to follow the ways of God,we have escape from the path of darkness to light,and from the power of Satan to God.

When we put God first in everything we do,when God becomes our priority, he will listen to us whenever we call him,and he will not allow us to be put to shame.thank u.