African Pride Atomic GHub Wax NFts a great way to creat Black Wealth on Chain! I found this by chance today, already made some wax offers!

in Telokanda4 years ago


I made an offer for wax backed assets for these african pride NFTs and am awaiting some sales so i can buy some for wax for a fair price to spread the idea to create millions of jobs in africa ,m culturally enriched social media jobs



Our very own @jesta made ANCHOR a greymass version that can sign transactions, a signing wallet, a dapp browser too hopefully one day in android, you can try it on ios for mobile,m i just use it for desktop but REALLy want anchor to hurry out and come out on android!

THIS IS HOW we create BLACK WEALTH and help enrich all peoples together! and the only discord where you get paid BTC to play CHESS


Posted from Telokanda Hive Dapp