I bought some garbage pale kids WAX NFTs on eosio and they show up so neatly on bloks.io

in Telokanda4 years ago

just bought some wax eosio NFT tradable collectible tokens for GARBAGE PALE KIDS by TOPPS

bloks.io has the best front end neatly displaying my tokens and NFTs
trade them on ALCOR.EXCHANGE

and here the link to the amazing eosio block explorer that shows my NFTs like trading cards i now own in my blockchain wallet! im even buying packs from new games like https://DarkCountry.io which has beautiful artwork

buy wax with EOS here on newdex https://newdex.io/trade/eosio.token-wax-eos

and buy the NFTs on my friend Avral's DEX https://wax.alcor.exchange/nft-market

Posted from Telokanda Hive Dapp