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RE: To Read or Not To Read, That is the Question πŸ“š

in ReggaeJAHM β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

Oh wow. This hits home for me.. lol. I used to read so much. I could easily finish a good book in one day in some cases. I still love the thought of curling up with one on a rainy day & get lost in a whole other world. 😊

But, alas, like you, life is full of responsibilities & busyness (is that a word?), I haven't made time for it like I should. And when I do think of it, I'm usually too tired.

I like your idea of reading a few pages so it's not so restrictive. You can read as much or as little as you want without pressure. Maybe I will try it & see if it works for me... probably at night before I go to bed will be best for me.

Thank you for reminding me to do these little things, even if it's just for the joy of it! πŸ’—πŸ€—

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Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

It was rainy the last couple of days/weeks here, so I know the feeling of cold feet, a warm bed and drink, with a good book in bed 😁
Let me know if you're strategy worked for you?

Oh yeah, busyness is real word; I looked it up πŸ˜…

And my pleasure for sharing, because I know there's lots of readers here on Hive πŸ’™πŸ˜Š