Travel notes. Kichmengsky Gorodok

in TravelFeed3 years ago

It was not the first time in Kichmengsky Gorodok too, so I began to look for something unusual. In this regional center there are a lot of old beautiful well-kept huts, but I have already reshot them.

In the street genre, it is the hardest to shoot here, because there are very few people on the streets.

In a slight despair, I went down to the Yug River and suddenly noticed that from every house there is a descent to the river.

Each has his own individual staircase, along which he descends to the water for different needs.

Basically, it seems to me, the locals go down to the river to collect water for watering the garden.

Or when the water in the river becomes less cloudy than in spring, people go to rinse their clothes.

True, I saw only one device in the form of a raft for washing and rinsing clothes.

The Yug River is a northern forest river with dark water.

Even in the middle of summer, when the water becomes as clear as possible, it has a yellowish a light beer.

But in villages and settlements anything can be and such water can be used for washing in the bath.

It never occurred to me any more reasons for going down to the water.

But absolutely every house has an equipped descent in the form of a wooden staircase.

And if you get to the river bank, then you can go back to the street from it only in a couple of places.

All stairs lead to a private area.

During my walk, this became a small problem, because I didn't know where there was a way out.

I kept walking and taking pictures of the downstairs to the water.

And all of them did not allow them to go outside freely.

I could take a chance, but the owners are different. You can run into an angry dog.

I had already walked about a kilometer, but there was still a solid fence along the coast.

On the opposite bank of the Yug River, an interesting old village appeared on a hill.

And there was still no way out...

Already in my head thoughts appeared to go back.

And then the long-awaited passageway between the sheds appeared, which brought me out into the street.

To be continued...


Some huts are really well-kept. Interesting post, @evildeathcore