
in Caturday4 years ago

That's the kind of girl I have now.
What is a kitten? This is a constant game in the house. The kitten drags some strings, small toys, and just likes to drag slippers around the house and hide them.

I also have a grown cat. His quiet life was over. Of course, he is always happy to have guests. This year, the guys Marik and Tomik lived with us for 3 months. This was a blessing for Tragika. And now he runs around the house with Hinata. If the girl falls asleep somewhere, the Tragik shouts at the whole house and looks for her.

And sometimes Hina wants to sleep and soak up. And then the whole world will wait. And we must try to Wake her up. This is not so easy.
A girl is a girl. I think the better half of humanity understands what I'm talking about. Girls really like to lie in bed, soak up, so that the boys Wake them up.



Вот такая девчонка теперь живет у меня.
Что такое котёнок? Это постоянные игры кошачьи в доме. Таскает какие-то веревочки, игрушки мелкие, да просто тапки любит таскать по дому.
Гоняется за котом. А тому и радостно.

А иногда хочется и поспать, понежиться. И тогда весь Мир подождет. И надо суметь еще разбудить её.
Девушка она и есть девушка.

What happened to @kona? Where is @dpet?

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Good luck and have fun


Kitties are so much fun, eeheheheh!
That is a very cute one! 😅