Caturday Greetings from Curator Cat! Do You Hive?

in Caturday4 years ago

Greetings Felines and Hoomans of Hive!

Guess what? It's Saturday again, and that means it's CATURDAY! Definitely my favorite day of the week, although with the Hoomans largely in quarantine, pretty much every day is Caturday around here!

Anyway, this is OUR day of the week, so bring out all those cute cat photos and share!

It's sunny again! Yay!

Exciting Times We Are Having!

Looks like Hive is really making the news at the moment!

Whereas that is awesome news for all of us — and definitely worth celebrating — this is also no time to stop and "rest on our laurels."

If anything, this is the best possible time to build on this momentum, and use it as an opportunity to show the world what our community has to offer!

So use this chance to tell your friends about HIVE!

Examining the dragonfly sculpture

Building Community WITHIN..."Engagement!"

The other thing we must focus on now is building a vibrant community among those who are already here.

And the best way to do that is through active engagement. And I don't just mean upvoting posts to earn curation rewards, I mean leaving comments and going beyond to having dialogue with people in their comment sections.

Aside from being fun and offering a chance to get to know other people, it also shows a "face" to the world of a social platform that cares, and thus is something others would want to become part of!

People are just more likely to align themselves with a community that will interact with them. Why would you put effort into something nobody pays attention to?

Gotta keep my feet clean!

Join the Hive Engagement League!

If you need a little encouragement and motivation to feel like participating, I have found @abh12345's weekly Hive Engagement League to offer both support and motivation for those who like being active in the community.

I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to become an active part of building Hive's future... the current version of the Engagement Leagues are a continuation of the leagues that ran on Steem, before moving to Hive.

All you have to do to join is go to the post linked above, leave a comment that you want to join... and for good measure, tag Asher (@abh12345) in your comment to make sure he "notices" you... he's a pretty busy guy!

And now, I'm going to go see what all the other Hive Cats are up to! If you haven't already, DO join one (or more!) of Hive's Cat related communities, listed at the bottom of this page!

Hope you are all having a marvelous — and safe — Caturday, wherever you may be!



Love Cats? Get Involved in Hive's Cat Communties!

If you're a cat lover and often/sometimes post pictures or other content that includes your feline friends, why not become an active part of Hive's growing Cat Communities?

These are some of the more active Cat Communities — why not join them ALL? Remember, you can also "cross-post" your cat posts to them!

HiveCats by @curatorcat is a central "gathering place" for cat content on Hive; promoting the use of the #hivecats tag for feline content!

Cat Snaps by @manorvillemike is a place to post pictures of your cats when you don't have a whole lot to say beyond just sharing your cute photos!

Caturday by @saboin is a community where we get to celebrate posts relating to Saturday — aka "Caturday" — our own special day!

Cat Photos by @andrarchy is a "mixed use" cat content community; posts can be just photos or longer, as long as the subject is CATS!

Cats by @captainklaus (and Sissi!) is another "general" cat content community.

Last but certainly not least, don't forget the dPet Community created by @kona, which is the original pet related "channel," and which typically also has lots of cat photos! This is also the home of the Daily Pet Photography challenge!

There are a number of other feline communities listed on Hive, but I am not sharing them for now as they have not had any activity (by their Admins OR users) since the Steem/Hive fork. Updates as they become available!

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Here's that #posh thing to prove that I was chasing birds on twitter!

I really like kuncing. in a few hours I will show my beloved cat.

Hive pumping. a happiness for all of us.

Such a minx! 😸