(ESP/ENG) Fígaro, el gato de la panadería / Figaro, the bakery cat 🍞🥐🥖😺😽😻

in Caturday3 years ago (edited)

¡Hola a todos! Yo soy Ikki y les vengo a hablar de un gato que siempre llega a nuestro cuarto a intentar robarse mis croquetas. Mi humana lo apodó "Fígaro", pero ya sabemos que ese no es su nombre.

Hello everybody! I am Ikki and I am here to tell you about a cat that always comes to our room to try to steal my croquettes. My human nicknamed him "Figaro", but we already know that's not his name.

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La primera vez que mis humanos lo vieron se alegraron mucho de que hubiera hecho un nuevo amigo. Lo dejaron pasar y le dieron algo de comer porque pensaron que era un gato callejero. Yo estuve todo el tiempo pendiente de él porque no estoy acostumbrado a las visitas. Me gusta sentarme en mi caja y ver por la puerta a todo aquel que pase por el pasillo.

The first time my humans saw him they were so glad that he had made a new friend. They let him pass and gave him something to eat because they thought he was a stray cat. I was aware of him all the time because I am not used to visits. I like to sit on my box and see everyone who walks down the hall through the door.

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Pero no creo que haya sido buena idea darle comida, porque ahora cada vez que pueda entra sigilosamente a mi habitación y se come mis croquetas, yo lo dejo pero mi humana se molesta un poco porque me deja el plato limpio. Además el humano macho averiguó y resulta que Fígaro no es un gato callejero, tiene casa y una muy grande. Es el gato de la dueña de la panadería de enfrente, por eso es un gato grande y con buen peso, porque le dan hasta jamón para comer. Aún así, él quiere mis croquetas.

But I don't think it was a good idea to give him food, because now whenever he can he sneaks into my room and eats my croquettes, I leave him but my human gets a bit upset because she leaves my plate clean. In addition, the male human found out and it turns out that Figaro is not a stray cat, he has a house and a very large one. It's the cat of the owner of the bakery across the street, that's why it's a big cat with a good weight, because they even give it ham to eat. Still, he wants my croquettes.

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Además, mi humana piensa que Fígaro es una mala compañía porque el otro día lo seguí y nos subimos arriba del techo. Esa parte es muy difícil de escalar. Ya me han bajado dos veces de ahí y no he vuelto a subir más. Pero Una madrugada Fígaro subió y como no podía bajar, estuvo llorando pidiendo ayuda. Mi humana lo escuchó y salió a ayudarlo. La hubieran visto, a las cinco de la mañana subiendo una escalera muy alta para bajar a Fígaro, pero tenía tanto miedo que se agarraba muy fuerte de las vigas. Por suerte mi mamá humana es muy paciente y logró bajarlo sin problemas.

Also, my human thinks that Figaro is bad company because the other day I followed him and we climbed on top of the roof. That part is very difficult to climb. I have already been lowered twice from there and I have not gone up again. But One dawn Figaro went up and since he could not go down, he was crying for help. My human heard him and came out to help him. They would have seen her, at five o'clock in the morning, climbing a very high ladder to go down to Figaro, but she was so afraid that she was holding on very tightly to the rafters. Luckily my human mom is very patient and managed to download it without problems.

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Oh no, Figaro is a mischievous cat for sure! LOL Some kitties love their croquettes over the fancy wet food. My kitty who passed a few years ago preferred them and wasn't interested in wet food at all except for the gravy for most of her life. When she got older she would eventually eat some wet food, but she really liked her dry food. Currently, Maggie won't eat the croquettes at all anymore, and she's always hungry because she's a skinny senior, so we go through a looooooooooot of wet food!

The times I've seen Figaro in the house, it's always doing something he shouldn't, like climbing dangerous places, marking walls, that's why they don't want him here anymore ha ha but I still feel sorry for him ha ha I don't know what those croquettes have Because seriously cats love it, I think it is that since in my country cat kibbles are very expensive (I buy them because I think about ikki's health), people who have cats here usually feed them is with homemade food and in some cases, with dog kibbles, which are cheaper. So when they come across something as "luxurious" as cat croquettes, they go crazy ha ha. I tell you that I had only seen that cat sauce through videos on social networks, in pet stores I've been to. I have never found, until a few days ago in a Pharmacy that has a section for pets, there I saw that they sell the sachets, but the price is a bit abusive, with that cost I can buy almost two cans of food in the pet store where I buy habitually. That gives me a bit of regret because I would like very much for ikki to try those sauce envelopes, I know you will love them !! I think that in the end I will end up giving in and regardless of the cost I will buy her an envelope of sauce ha ha poor Maggie !! Have you been able to give him his vitamins? Maybe wet food is not enough for her 😥

Oh yeah, some of them are SO expensive and ridiculous with the price for what it is. Like, a spoonful of broth for a dollar? I can make my own broth for pennies and just not put anything in it that cats can't have. It's crazy!
But yeah, I have given in and bought stupidly expensive things before for the cats just to try them. X3 We must be good servants to our kitty Gods, after all. :D

Today is definitely vitamin day for Maggie, she needs it for her digestion. I bought some Fancy Feast yesterday, just a few cans, as a treat, so I'm going to try mixing it with that to see if she eats it easier. I'm a sneaky human. 😉 I don't know if they have Fancy Feast brand there, but it's like kitty junk food. Like taking a child to McDonald's. They eat it right up. 😂

Horribly expensive definitely! The sad thing is that since I have no way to grind food (at the moment I do not have a blender or food grinder) I have not been able to do anything homemade hehe but I buy food that I do not usually eat every day to give ikki as a reward, like meat ground or chicken 😁 But it's true, I'm planning to buy a new sandbox and a set of dishes, all so that the king of the house is more comfortable, it doesn't matter if I have to spend more than I usually spend on myself 🤭

I have not seen that brand of cat food here, I wish there was more diversity, so I could spoil ikki like a little child heh heh I hope Maggie is obedient and eats her vitamins !! You can see a lot that you love her by spoiling her so much 🥰🥰🥰

She ate them! The Fancy Feast did the trick. Yay! 😄

Queen Maggie, Princess of Tortietoes demands fine dining. :)
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Live!!!!! hooray for Maggie !! she is a great girl !! Yes, he deserves all the awards in the world! Look at that little face !! she is quite a queen !! yes yes !! 🥳🥳🥳🥳😍😍😍😍😍

The best thing to do is to feed Ikki small amounts regularly and not leave food out for Figaro to come and eat. He's an opportunist cat and will continue to come regularly as long as he is being fed. Calculate the correct amount Ikki should eat and give it to him 3-4 times per day and after 20 minutes, remove any uneaten food and put it in the cupboard

If you're right. At the beginning I came a lot for the same thing. During the day there is no problem because we are awake and he does not dare to enter when he sees us, the problem is in the morning, around five o'clock, Ikki asks for food and we have to get up and serve him, if we put too little in it he starts to scream for more ha ha that's why we put a good amount on him, but he always leaves little crumbs around that he doesn't care about, but Figaro does ha ha and it is at that time, when it is very early and we are still asleep, that he took advantage to sneak into the room. But it doesn't happen that often anymore. The rest of the tenants have not allowed more because they come to mark too, so, we are doing well hehe thank you very much for reading and for your advice

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Muchísimas gracias!!! 🥰🥰

Hay que bonito, también hemos adoptado varios gatitos callejeros, les das comida una vez y ya no se van jejejej.

Fígaro es realmente un gato muy bello, pero tiene su casa ja ja 🤭 además no hay espacio en nuestro cuarto para otro gato je je Gracias por darle un hogar a esos gatitos que llegaron a tu hogar 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Ikki definitivamente Figaro es una mala compañía para tí 🤭🤭 lo dice también una mamá gatuna 🐱 Figaro secuestra tus croquetas y tú buen corazón lo deja ❤️ solo la próxima vez que te Montes en el techo lo haces con mucho cuidado sin sacar canas verdes a mamá 🤭

¡Felicidades! Este post ha sido seleccionado para recibir la valoración de @mayvileros en el transcurso del día.

Ja ja ja sip, la verdad es que yo estaba muy feliz porque ikki se veía contento de encontrar un nuevo amigo. En donde estoy alquilada, las gatas de la dueña no lo quieren, así que cuando Fígaro venía, Ikki se ponía a jugar con él y se veía muy tierno je je pero ya con todo lo que ha hecho y sabiendo que no es callejero, he optado por ya no ser tan complaciente ja ja 🤭 muchas gracias por visitar mi publicación!

Que Figaro tan salvaje, ten mucho cuidado con el Ikki! que bueno que tu humana siempre esta atenta a sus travesuras

Si vale, el otro día intentó hacer "cosas de adulto" con ikki. Ya no los dejo estar juntos, creo que fue él el que le hizo a ikki unas heridas en estos días 😓

Que miedo! esos niños traviesos, mi gato tambien fue herido algo grave, pero por fortuna se recupera muy bien, hay que cuidarlos mucho! :c

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
