"Rabieta" one of the best Argentine Beers, My opinion

in BEER4 years ago


This beer is a 100% Argentine recipe, made in the province of “Buenos Aires”, like all lager beer it is always rich if it is very cold. To make sure I can fully appreciate its flavor, place it in the fridge for 2 hours.



I have to admit that I did not have many expectations about its taste since generally the beers to be made in the province of “buenos aires” are usually commercial, by this I mean that they never care about the taste but about the massive sale.


I was able to enjoy the beer to the fullest because it was cold and due to the recent heat in my city, I clarify that today I did not think to drink beer because a storm was approaching but it lasted a maximum of 10 minutes and then the sun came out and the temperature reached 30 ° C.


Nice post @dobro2020. I haven't tried Argentine beer yet, but maybe I'll make it one day. Otherwise, my position is that a good beer is good even if it's not chilled :) 😎🍺🍻 !BEER

looks like a pretty good beer.

 3 years ago  

Hey @dobro2020, here is a little bit of BEER from @seckorama for you. Enjoy it!

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