Veremos la vida de mil maneras|We will see life in a thousand ways


Tenemos mil maneras para ver la vida, va a depender de nuestra crianza, de nuestra actitud, entusiasmo, esmero, desgano, también dependerá de nuestra manera de pensar, según nuestra creencia, en fin, de mil maneras veremos la vida.

De hecho cada persona ve la vida diferente, va a su ritmo, según su personalidad, según su espacio, su forma de pensar, pareciera que todos tenemos unos lentes diferentes para ver la vida.

Hablando metafóricamente algunos ven la vida de color rosa, amor y ternura por todos lados, otros la ven color gris o negro, todo lo ven oscuro, no ven salida, soluciones, otros la ven color verde, la llenan de esperanza pase lo que pasa. Están los que la ven de color blanco, todo claro, todo puro, todo transparente, con inocencia. Ninguna manera es la correcta, cada cabeza es un mundo y cada persona siempre creerá que tiene la verdad absoluta, por eso lo mejor es mirar la vida toda llena de colores, de diferentes matices que son las diferentes experiencias que vivimos, así la vida no será monótona.

Esto me hace recordar un canto muy bonito del cantante Diego Torres, “Color esperanza”, realmente la canción es hermosa completa, pero quisiera citar unos extractos de ella:

“Sé que hay en tus ojos con solo mirar, que estás cansado de andar y de andar, y caminar, girando siempre en un lugar. Sé que las ventanas se pueden abrir, cambiar el aire depende de ti, te ayudará, vale la pena una vez más. Saber que se puede, querer que se pueda, quitarse los miedos, sacarlos afuera, pintarse la cara color esperanza, tentar al futuro con el corazón”.

Es un canto bastante motivador, si este cantante expresó la forma en la que realmente ve la vida y actúa, pues es, una persona llena de esperanza, de positivismo, donde su forma de ver la vida es siempre mirando al frente pase lo que pasa, de verdad, que sirve de ejemplo a seguir, la letra de esta canción.

En estos días pude tomar esta foto, desde la torre donde vive mi consuegro, pasé por ese pasillo, y pude visualizar quizás no un paisaje bonito, porque realmente la foto no tiene nada impresionante ni que motive a ser vista, pero realmente lo importante para mí es a la reflexión que me llevó a tener.

Muchos miran la vida detrás de unos barrotes, solo miran lo que tienen en sus propias narices, a lo lejos algunas veces logran divisar algo hermoso, y lo ven tan lejos e inalcanzable, así como se ve la luna a lo lejos, es como aquella luz que quiere iluminar esas noches y momentos oscuros que pasamos en nuestras vidas, nos agrada verla, pero no buscamos salir de esos barrotes en los que vivimos encerrados nosotros mismos y correr detrás de esa luna que ilumina la oscuridad.

A veces es importante preguntarnos: ¿Cuáles son esos barrotes que nos tienen prisioneros? ¿Alguna situación vivida en la infancia, en la adolescencia o en la adultez? ¿El odio que nos carcome por el daño que nos han hecho? Nada en la vida puede mantenernos preso, somos nosotros mismos los que nos empeñamos a ver las cosas así, detrás de los barrotes.

Afuera un mundo nos espera por vivir, no importa la edad que tengas, se vive cada día, cada hora, cada minuto, cada segundo, el niño no tiene que esperar a ser joven para vivir, el joven no tiene que ser adulto para vivir, el adulto no tiene que ser anciano para vivir, cada etapa de nuestro desarrollo tiene su propia vivencia y experiencia, metas que cumplir, proyectos que ejecutar, no permitas que nada ni nadie empañe tu paisaje, y que veas esa luz tan lejana, y menos detrás de barrotes, VIVE así te llamen loco y tengas al mundo entero contra ti, sé feliz sin llevarte a nadie por el medio, sonríe siempre así llores al mismo tiempo, abre los brazos cada amanecer para recibir el nuevo día que Dios te regala y las bendiciones de las que te quiere llenar. No esperes que pase el tiempo para vivir, no te quedes contemplando a través de una ventana, lánzate a la aventura de VIVIR.

La imagen es de mi propiedad. Equipo utilizado un redmi A9. Mi firma con aplicación Canva. Traductor utilizado DeepL.


We have a thousand ways to see life, it will depend on our upbringing, our attitude, enthusiasm, dedication, reluctance, it will also depend on our way of thinking, according to our beliefs, in short, we will see life in a thousand ways.

In fact, each person sees life differently, at his own pace, according to his personality, according to his space, his way of thinking, it seems that we all have different lenses to see life.

Metaphorically speaking, some see life in pink, love and tenderness everywhere, others see it in gray or black, they see everything dark, they see no way out, no solutions, others see it in green, they fill it with hope no matter what happens. There are those who see it as white, all clear, all pure, all transparent, with innocence. No way is the right way, each head is a world and each person will always believe they have the absolute truth, so it is best to look at life all full of colors, different shades that are the different experiences we live, so life will not be monotonous.

This makes me remember a very nice song by the singer Diego Torres, "Color esperanza", really the song is beautiful complete, but I would like to quote some excerpts from it:

"I know that there is in your eyes just by looking, that you are tired of walking and walking, and walking, always turning in one place. I know the windows can be opened, changing the air is up to you, it will help you, it's worth it once more. Know that you can, want that you can, take away your fears, take them out, paint your face the color of hope, tempt the future with your heart".

It is a very motivating song, if this singer expressed the way he really sees life and acts, because he is a person full of hope, positivism, where his way of seeing life is always looking ahead no matter what happens, really, that serves as an example to follow, the lyrics of this song.

These days I was able to take this photo, from the tower where my father-in-law lives, I passed through that hallway, and I could visualize perhaps not a beautiful landscape, because really the photo has nothing impressive or that motivates to be seen, but really what is important to me is the reflection that led me to have.

Many look at life behind bars, they only look at what they have in their own noses, in the distance sometimes they manage to see something beautiful, and they see it so far away and unreachable, just as the moon is seen in the distance, it is like that light that wants to illuminate those dark nights and moments that we spend in our lives, we like to see it, but we do not seek to leave those bars in which we live enclosed ourselves and run after that moon that illuminates the darkness.

Sometimes it is important to ask ourselves: What are those bars that keep us prisoners? Some situation lived in childhood, in adolescence or in adulthood? The hatred that eats away at us for the damage that has been done to us? Nothing in life can keep us imprisoned, it is we ourselves who insist on seeing things this way, behind the bars.

Outside a world is waiting for us to live, no matter how old you are, you live every day, every hour, every minute, every second, the child does not have to wait to be young to live, the young does not have to be an adult to live, the adult does not have to be old to live, each stage of our development has its own experience, goals to achieve, projects to execute, do not allow anything or anyone to tarnish your landscape, and that you see that light so far away, and less behind bars, LIVE even if they call you crazy and you have the whole world against you, be happy without taking anyone in the middle, always smile even if you cry at the same time, open your arms every dawn to receive the new day that God gives you and the blessings that he wants to fill you with. Do not wait for time to pass to live, do not stay contemplating through a window, throw yourself into the adventure of LIVING

The image is my property. Computer used a redmi A9. My signature with Canva application. Translator used DeepL



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 last year  

I really enjoyed reading your reflection on this image ! I feel very close to this free and open way of thinking without ever thinking that one can know how others should or must live and totally put myself in their place, but if empathy allows that to some extent too !

Thank you very much for this article, see you soon I hope and until then, have a good Sunday 🍀 ✌️

Hello friend, of course it is, everything in its center of balance. Thanks for stopping by, it is always motivating to read you @anttn

 last year (edited) 

You're most welcomed ! I learned so much here, a condensed of life in such different forms :)

May you have a enjoyable weekend 🌟😘 and I hope we'll see you for some futures challenges 🤞