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RE: Unknown Now But Will Be Unforgettable

in BDCommunity2 years ago

i doubt that imploring any government will work for anything, unless it profits the corrupt "officials" the #massmurdering #powersthatshouldntbe!

What we need is #decentralused #fractalgovernance such as #TheMatrix8Solution & #Fractally & it's up to us as individuals to join and support these #peoplepowered #consensusmechanisms so corrupt centralised organisations are no longer needed!

Some free Hive-engine tokens for you: !PGM !PIZZA !LUV

Want to mine some more crypto? If so, Join #Fractally, start earning $RESPECT and help to #savetheworld from the #massmurdermachine of corrupt centralised organisations effectively controlled by #thepowersthatshouldntbe!