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RE: The little Prometheus In Me.

in BDCommunity4 years ago

I read it earlier. But was between things so forgot to write back. I was thinking about it.... actually picked up Durbin after seeing that image. But didn’t write a note.

I am not very organized and I don’t have a system that I follow but somehow it works out.

This is so well written but no one wrote a comment. Damn!

Greek gods are so human isn’t it? They are full of flaws just like the rest of us. Perhaps he were real or at least were shaped based on us.

You know I have visited Delos.... such an amazing place .... the birthplace on Apollo and Artemis
It’s mostly empty these days. But you can almost hear the gods. That’s a story for some other times :)


To me, this comment is worth more than 10 others, comments that were just put together out of thoughtless reads.:) You know dada, i do not do this for the rewards.. Or else i couldve cooked up spammy posts, the very thing we are fighting to change.

Greek gods are so human isn’t it?

A little too much dada.. Even the allmighty zeus is more human than most of us will ever be. And that is something soo fascinating to me.

Youve been to places i long to see dada.! Im soo jealous.:v fingers crossed, hopefully ill be able to become a world citizen, someday. I have my eyes set on mount Fuji, and i know its far fetched, to actually be able to go there. But one can dream i guess.


That’s temple of Athena Nike at Acropolis, I like it better than Parthenon.... my own shot.

:o:o.. We have a very old very greek looking small temple at my uni. the only greek thing ive ever seen.. It mustve been a majestic trip for you tho..getting to visit all these places so intertwined with history and civilization..