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RE: A cup of tea on a gloomy afternoon

in BDCommunity4 years ago

This is a big drawback with the hundreds of luxuries and glamor of the city. No one has time to spend with the kids here.

It somehow true in our life's. I have a cousin in dhaka she has two children. Apart from the school hours they are always confined in the four walls of fifth floor. Their daily life has stucked in the Virtual world which is making them uncomfortable to communicate with the other people. In friday's its a different day as they get a little changes but in a whole that's a matter of sorrow.

I think i have gone somewhere else from the post. But it came to my mind on seeing the line. Btw you have written well.


Their daily life has stucked in the Virtual world which is making them uncomfortable to communicate with the other people.

That's the reality bro. Thanks for your valuable comments.