The Four-legged Beast

in BDCommunity4 years ago

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The feisty beast charged towards me like the way a lion goes after it's prey. It was funny, considering the fact that I was suppose to be the one with the upper hand but after seeing how the beast eluded my father, It made me scared.

I got out of the way in the last minute as the beast ran past me. I expected it to turn around and finish me off but it seems to be interested more in it's escape mission. I heard father screaming to my siblings and i, ordering us to go lock down the gate.

“The beast mustn't escape.” he kept on saying as we all charged towards it.

Seeing that there was no way out, the beast stopped and turned around. It was as if it finally decided to take care of it's problem rather than running away from it. It looked at us one after the other, probably trying to figure out who the weaker one was between me, my two elder brothers and my father.

I was obviously the smaller and weaker one there and as if the beast read my thoughts, it charged after me for the second time that day. As it came after me, I couldn't help but remember the day father had come home with the beast. We had been happy, we were scared of the beast but still happy. But never did I know that this same thing that had made me happy was going to be my doom.

The beast was so close to me now and was about bouncing on me when father quickly intervened, he held it's horn and pinned it to the ground. The sound of the beast bleating quickly filled the air.

As father tied the beast to a tree in our compound, the beast looked at me as if trying to tell me I got lucky but wouldn't be next time. I would have freaked out but I knew there wouldn't be a next time because Eid Mubarak celebration was the next day and the beast would be no more.

Happy Eid Mubarak to everyone.

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