The President's Daughter.

in BDCommunity4 years ago


Field marshal Idris couldn't help but pace around his office. He had just gotten off the phone with the president of the federal Republic of Nigeria and things weren't looking good. The daughter of the number one citizen of the country had been kidnapped by the same terrorist group that has been disturbing the country for a while now. This was bad, really bad. If this news got out, the whole country would go into panic mode. Because if the daughter of the president could be kidnapped even with all of her security who were found dead, what would be the fate of them who had no security.

The president had ordered him to fix this asap.

“Move fast. We don't want this leaking to the press.” the president had said to him over the phone.

Idris quickly called for a meeting with his top officers. They all gathered and analyzed the whole situation. They need the terrorist camp was very far from where the president's daughter was attacked, probably a one and half day journey if they had a vehicle and a three days journey by foot. This means there was a chance of rescuing the president's daughter before the terrorist reached their camp. Idris knew that if she was taken to their camp, then all hope of getting her back would be lost.

Attacking their camp wouldn't be an options as the terrorist had hundreds of hostages with them and the president had promised the families of those hostages that he would bring them back in good health, and he intended to keep that promise.

The meeting was ongoing when words got to Idris that they've discovered an empty truck which they believed belonged to the terrorist. They must have fled the vehicle when they noticed the military were on the look out for them. Moving on foot would make it harder for them to get spotted, but what they didn't know was that it made it easier for the military to pinpoint their location. The meeting took another thirty minutes before they finally all agreed on an area where they believed the terrorist would be.

Suddenly everyone was looking at the field marshal. He knew why they were all staring at him. The analysis had been done, it was time for him to give the orders.

“How many men can we deploy for this mission?” Idris asked.

“As many as you want.” someone answered.

Idris sigh. “I need just two men.”

The men in the room couldn't believe their ears, was he crazy? But the president wanted this quiet, and Idris was willing to do just that.

To Be Continued.

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