Tales From the Loop, Art rather than a TV Show.

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Another day another Sci-Fi, Tales from the loop.

Among the latest releases of amazon prime, Tales from the Loop is one strong contender of Black Mirror. Set in a town where you can randomly get to see dead robots, a machine, lies in the underground of the town, with powers similar to or more than God is causing mysterious phenomena that include traveling to other universes, time loops, entire houses getting vanished and getting to meet your own selves from the past.

The first episode tells the story of a girl, Loretta. Whose mother is sad and depressed. At least it seems like that from the kid’s perspective.

The mother works in an underground facility that hosts a mysterious black sphere called loop, made out of gravity-defying stones. So one day after Loretta came back from her school, she saw there was nothing left but empty space, where once her home was. While desperately trying to find her mom, she stumbles upon the truth. That she somehow traveled forward in time and she is the mother of her friend who was helping her look for her mom.

Too confusing? Let’s take a look at the second episode.

Rebecca Hall as Aged Loretta

Remember the previously mentioned Loretta? She is now the mother of two boys. The older one, Jakob, has a friend named Danny, and they both like to wander off and explore the forest around the town they live in. So, one day while exploring as they do, they find a sphere looking like somewhere in between a dishwashing machine and a spaceships life raft/capsule. Jakob looks inside the sphere and goes into it. And that’s when and an eerie thing starts to happen. The wind whistles like crazy and suddenly Danny is on the ground. When Jakob comes out of the capsule, they realize that they have just switched their bodies with one another.

Still not providing with the wow factor? Let’s take a look at the last episode.

Electric State by Simon Stalenhag

For some reason (which Is a big spoiler), Jakob has gone missing. So his younger brother Cole tries to find him and enters the forest. There he finds an old generation robot that Is curiously following him. After a while, he discovers that the robot is Jakob and somehow his consciousness has transferred over to it.
They are now trying to find a way out of the forest. When suddenly another robot, much looking like a predator attack and fatally injures Jakob.

After much drama, Cole goes to look for help when he comes across a tiny canal. It piques his interest. The canal is flowing downwards. But when he drops a football he brought with him, it goes downwards to and returns from the upstream. He decides to go upstream and find the canal to be a loop. If he goes downstream, the water in the canal freezes and he comes back to where he starts from.

Original Art of Simon Stalenhag

The story is mostly inspired by Simon Stalenhag’s mind-bending and wonderful paintings. Each episode represents one painting of his.

It’s a well-crafted show as expected from Amazon prime. If you’ve seen the Man in the High Castle, you’ll know what I’m talking about. They are now well established in producing quality futuristic drama and sci-fi.

The creative directors of the show have done their best to bring out the abstract concepts from the paintings to the real world as much as the could’ve. Every episode is Chronological to the prior episodes. Yet they are somehow s different. You will not feel like you are watching the same things in the next episode but you are watching the same characters.

Have a try at the show and I’m sure you’ll have a great time if you have the knack for this genre.


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