Dredge - Day 16

in Worldbuilding3 years ago (edited)



Game: Dredge by scyllallycs.

Location: Trothguard, on the Sea of Angels.

Player Character: Unknown vessel/unknown captain.

Dredge is an exploration-based journaling RPG and was something I immediately thought would be a neat aid to my own worldbuilding - as I could use the game as prompts to create a story for a character that could be part of my world.

Today's card:



Day 16

After the events of yesterday's incessant chirping, I have been out of sorts all day. I just can't place my finger on why. I feel like I'm getting closer to something - maybe to knowing more about this place, this ship, or even myself... but every time I feel like I've gained ground I lose days to the random events and effects of this nightmare sea.

And in the back of my mind, there's the constant presence of The Hunter. I've spotted distant lights now and then following me at night, and I know that it could only be the Hunter. Try as I might, I know I'm not gaining sufficient distance to outrun it forever. If I don't find an end to this place, it will catch me sooner or later and I have no idea what that will mean for me. I suspect it would mean I die, but who's to say in this place.

Either way, by the time I crawled into bed I was mentally exhausted, and barely holding back tears.

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