Dredge - Day 19



Game: Dredge by scyllallycs.

Location: Trothguard, on the Sea of Angels.

Player Character: Unknown vessel/unknown captain.

Dredge is an exploration-based journaling RPG and was something I immediately thought would be a neat aid to my own worldbuilding - as I could use the game as prompts to create a story for a character that could be part of my world.

Today's card:



Day 19

I felt an urgency and anxiousness today from the moment I woke up that I just couldn't shake. It wasn't a bad feeling per-say, just... present. At times it felt like watching sands fall through an hourglass, while other times throughout the day, it felt more like waiting for a boulder to drop on my head.

As we neared mid-day I spotted strange bright pink blotches covering the water ahead of me. Low waves pushed and shoved at the blobs, breaking them up and reforming them as we got closer. When we were finally near enough for me to make out what the shapes were, I realized they were bright pink flower petals. Given that I haven't seen shore since I regained my sense of self, it was shocking how bright and fresh they were.

We paused there, amid the petals, and I somehow knew that there was a purpose to the scattering. A ritual or ceremony took place there... or maybe was taking place there. I got no sense of if the event was one of mourning or one of celebration, though seeing those petals in the water did re-double my sense of urgency and anxiousness.

Image by Ely Penner from Pixabay

As the petals began to disperse, I knew it was time to cast... and what I brought back up was a knife, sheathed in intricately worked leather with a finely polished handle to the blade. Simple, but beautiful. Something that I could see being a loved tool in the hands of a herbalist. As soon as I touched it I got a flash of a pair of hands using the blade to cut a rose from a bush and my senses were flooded with the smell of flowers and damp earth.

The hands seemed somehow familiar... but looking at my own, were certainly not my hands.

Awash with anxiety, I settled into my bed for the night.

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