Worldbuilding Prompt #451 - Siege weapons


Weekly Topic: Sieges & Siegecraft
What kind of siege weapons exist in your world? What jobs were they designed to do? What features do they have?

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  • Prompt replies may be anything! Art, game assets, stories, worldbuilding details, fake wiki entries, maps... whatever you want to create!
  • Please reply to this post with your link
  • Posting in or cross-posting to the Worldbuilding community is highly encouraged
  • Use the hashtag #worldbuilding
  • Prompt replies can be any length.

And finally, some other neat communities for writing that you might want to check out are:

It can be a lot of fun to mix and match our prompts with some of these other community prompts.

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If you don't want to use today's Daily Prompt, feel free to submit something related to the Weekly Topic. It's your creation, you choose how you want to participate - we just want to see the cool stuff you make!

You're also welcome to use any prior prompts at any time! If you like something that was posted days, weeks, or months ago - use it!

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It took me ages to write the response to this post, mainly because I wanted to remix, 3D print and paint the siege engines I was writing about. I hope you enjoy the return of Marv, the over-the-top gnomish inventor !

Siege wwepons is an interesting topic. 

Posted via Veews

Thanks! I'm hoping it'll be something folks enjoy - and since I'm in the middle of a ton of sieges in Mount&Blade Bannerlord it's a topic that's on my mind LOL