Song of the day: Ljubavna - In memoriam to Aki Rahimovski

Song of the day Ljubavna is chosen bcs of the sad event: leader of the Yugoslavia.s pop band Parni valjak, Aleksandar Aki Rahimovski, died yesterday.

"One must be what one really is. I have always been guided by that in my life. You can change your appearance a hundred times, but only what you do with your heart and soul always makes you happy, "he said in an interview with Novi magazin in 2015.

photo taken at KC Parobrod

He lived and worked in different ex Yugoslav republics and the band was appreciated in all of them.
After last year.s lost of Djole, this is new heavy strike for children of the 80s :( We are again, with every new death of some period icon, burying that period, opening old wounds; how to accept changes that went terribly wrong? and why the f* so few ppl are doing something to get back on track of decent living? yeah, I know...

Don.t want to leave the end of the post dark, so I am quoting lines from the song, that has title Love song but is not "regular" love song but about love for yourself and life:

Armed only with a smile, I walk through the city
The bells are ringing, it's Sunday, where do I belong?
My name doesn’t matter because it’s intent
which makes the difference from man to man
I don't have anyone to guide me, I don't need that
Because my head still belongs to me
You have to crawl first to know how to walk
And when everything presses you against the wall
Raise your head
Don't give up; sing love songs


"but only what you do with your heart and soul always makes you happy"
so true! though I wonder how many peeps on our planet earth actually does this. I mean do things with their heart and soul. with their passion. sorry to read the originator of this statement passed away, but at least he left a great message.

I didnt know he died yesterday, until now while reading your post.
There were other times, and without any doubt, there were changes that went terribly wrong, but I hope there are still sparks in people to make the best out of the circumstances. As you, a sparkle you are :) Aren't you? 🤗

haha, yeah...when I.m not a black hole, I am a sparkle blink ;P
What we here need now is not few sparkles but a very big fire, to purify the area :)

Hahaha, to purify the area... but, as you also know, no fire without sparkles 😉 so don't let your one to fade 🤗