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RE: Music Mondays: ¿Masterclass or PR Stunt?

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 years ago (edited)

At least according to your friends you have improved after the class, so besides having the honor of seeing your teacher, it looks like you got the tips.

Yeah, that's more a joke than anything. The class wasting too good as a class since all students were thrown together. That's the bad part.

The disorganization issue was very clear from the start and the conditions of the park were awful. I still can't believe we couldn't have the class in a better place. But then, this is Cumaná at its finest.

Watching Jorge play live is a truly amazing experience, but the whole environment substacts from the experience.

Too bad I don't touch your four.

You mean you don't play, right? Well, the class was open for any level. There were s lot of people there who didn't play a note.