@solips is sharing what seems to be peaceful protests from the short c ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

@solips is sharing what seems to be peaceful protests from the short clips I saw in this video, combined w/Government Police and Security Forces physically harming citizens who have already visibly surrendered.


COVID-19 was never about a pandemic. It was all leading to this. Maybe the governments already knew there was a market crash about to happen. Now they have both a scapegoat + an easier way to gain more powers.

Yeah, the market crash was obvious IMO, especially in the #UnitedStates based on the #USFederalReserve.

#Covid-19 was an artificial #Blackswan, the real black swan will occur when a major Western Bank (in Europe or the US) does a #Bail-In!

( not to be confused w/Bail-out )

That's a very likely. After all EU and European banks were in a worse state than USA. Let's hope for the best after the crash. Hopefully we'll move towards a sustainable future.

Yeah, we'll make it . . hopefully all of us will be okay on the other side 😊

This is something I totally agree with.

Thank you, @chrisrice

Glad to share information w/others, and I will do my best NOT to be a propaganda piece of Governments or Tyranny.

#Propaganda is tricky though, and Governments + Big-tech do their best to trick people into furthering their interests, all the while thinking it's for a good cause.