Today D.Buzz is rank 151 on It deserves to be much higher! ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

Today D.Buzz is rank 151 on It deserves to be much higher!

Let’s all do 1 buzz per day and help the ranking rise.

 4 years ago  

I surely agree on that 💪🇵🇭

Thank you for the shoutout! I have been dbuzzing daily for the past three months now 😉👍🏼 pls help spread the word about #DBuzzMondays & #GoldenBuzzAward contests run by @dbuzz weekly 😁😁

I agree on this 100%. D.Buzz is highly underrated

141 today! Moved up 10 ranks already. Should be pretty easy to get to the top 100.

Awesome initiative 😀✌️