Samsung ceasing operations in last China based factory. Over 1,700 employees to ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

Samsung ceasing operations in last China based factory. Over 1,700 employees to be affected. Facility produced over $1 billion of goods annually.

 4 years ago  

Is China now feeling the pressure of the international community?

Here is a opinion piece from MarketWatch that seems to reflect much of the current mood concerning trade tensions.

I think so @guruvaj but I also suspect they won't back down.

 4 years ago  

Critical times.


Where are the moving their factories?

( You might have posted it before )

According to this article, looks like the move could be to Vietnam.

Guess the #Philippines won't get in on too much of the action 😔

Maybe not. However, there are still significant investments being made as reflected in part 1 and part 2 of a fairly recent article by EEASIA.

Nice ☺️👍