Yaz gelse de tekrar eskisi gibi şort giyebilsem. Havalar şuan o kadar ...

in DBuzz3 years ago

Yaz gelse de tekrar eskisi gibi şort giyebilsem. Havalar şuan o kadar soğuk ki bazen sıcaklar hiç gelmeyecek mi acaba diye düşünüyorum.

Posted via D.Buzz


If summer came, I could still wear shorts like I used to. It's so cold now, I wonder if the heat will never come.

The heat will definitely come back unless the sun is gone. 🤔🤨

 3 years ago  

Yes I'm tired of the cold weather. 🌫️❄️❄️

On the other hand, in countries near the equator (such as the Philippines where @chrisrice is), people are so tired of the hot weather. 🔥🌞🔥


 3 years ago  

In these countries you are talking about, the weather can always be warm or hot. Actually, this is a good thing. So I think so. Of course, it's good if it isn't too hot in summer.

Artık bahar bile gelmez oldu. Yaz ve kış olması gerekenden çok daha uzun sürüyor ve geçiş mevsimleri ölmüş durumda. Gerçekten gelecek hakkında endişeliyim. Bir de yeteri kadar kaygı yetmezmiş gibi bunu kendime meslek edinmem de işin cabası 😂.

It's not even spring anymore. Summer and winter take longer than it should, and the transition season is dead. I'm really worried about the future. And as if enough anxiety wasn't enough, it's not enough that I'm going to make a career out of it.


 3 years ago  

True translation :D

In the Philippines where @chrisrice is, there are only wet (hot) and dry (hotter) seasons. 😆😅

 3 years ago  

Philippines is probably a summer country. 😎⛳☀️🔅

 3 years ago  

Şekerim iyi ki bir yaz gelse de şort giysem diye buzz attım ya beni de üzdün bak olmadı şimdi 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Aradığın Pollyanna'yı öldürdüğüm için özür dilerim ahahahah

 3 years ago  

Ne polyanası be iyi ve huzurlu bir hayat istiyorum sadece. Çok şey istemiyorum kiiii

I just want a nice, peaceful life. I don't want much.


 3 years ago  

I hope the whole world becomes a beautiful and peaceful place.

I think that more than 99% of the world's population want that. 🧘‍♂️ Unfortunately, most people just want that without taking action. 😐


Umarım istediğin şeyin şu anki konumumuzda ne kadar imkansız olduğunu anlamadan pozitif bir şekilde yaşamaya devam edersin :d

 3 years ago  

Atma şu zehirli oku işte atma yaaa 😭😂 Ben de biliyorum öyle olduğunu ama napalım be umutttttt

Don't throw that poison arrow away. I know it is, but what the hell.*



I hope what you want is impossible in our current position you live positive without understanding.

I didn't understand the translation, so

I hope you continue to live positively without realizing how impossible what you want is in our current position.


I'm sorry I killed the Pollyanna you were looking for ahahahah


I think there is a problem again with the translation, especially with the "killing" word. 😮

Here I said, " you want me to be an optimist. But I'm not like that". Translation applications may not be entirely accurate.

I'm sorry about that. 😰 Using online translation apps is the best thing non-Turkish speakers can do to understand what you (especially @mehmetfix) are talking about. 🙁

I already had the doubt with the translation. 😐 I should have used Google Translate instead for that. 🤔

Sorry for killing the Pollyanna you were looking for ahahahah

Almost the same translation was given by Google Translate from Reverso! 😆😅


Some things are difficult to completely translate. Just like idioms. This word can be used in different meanings than its actual meaning. It's really hard to explain it all😂😂.

I understand what idioms are. As with any metaphor, idioms should not be translated literally. However, most translation apps won't recognize if the words being translated actually form idioms. 🤔😃😅

Oh, sweetie, I'm glad I could wear shorts for a summer buzz, you're making me sad, too

Is the translation wrong? 🤔 I am surprised by the word "sweetie" (and the "you are making me sad too"). 😮

 3 years ago  

The conversation between @princeofbeyhive and us is a little different and strange.

Looks like there is poetry again in action! 😆😅

 3 years ago  

Actually yeah :D

Your poetry messes up the online translation web apps I am using! 😅