
Gave it a vote but I am not sure what would be a stakeholder? I recently voted on archon proposal and when the results came out, it save I had zero governance power.

Stakeholder is anyone who has SPORTS staked in this context.

If you have 0 SPORTS staked / delegation in . Then 0 GP .

Go to discord SPORTS and see their about your GP.

@amr008 nailed the explanation. If you have any SPORTS staked you are a stakeholder at some level. You GP% will be your amount held / the rest of staked SPORTS. I ran it in the Discord for you and here's your GP:

Sports User @jfang003 has 0.001934 GP

Thank you for supporting it though! Every little bit adds up and helps get us closer to passing.

Patrick , I have a question .

I have one main account @amr008 in which most of the SPORTS is staked.

I have delegated all to @amr008.sports .

Shouldn't the GP be more in @amr008 account ? Because that's the account which has the actual SPORTS. But when I checked in discord amr008.sports has more GP .

I ran your stats just to be sure. It looks like it runs based on which account is controlling the stake. If you're delegating your stake, you'll also be delegating your GP.

Sports User @amr008 has 0.000268 GP
Sports User @amr008.sports has 0.07461 GP

I've reached out to @taskmanager from ARCHON already about setting up some kind of proxy voting system and it sounds like that is on the radar in some form. I can see the desire to delegate stake without delegating GP so maybe that can also be an option added to their system over time.

Great okay . I just feel that the account in which the SPORTS is staked must have the GP . That is just my opinion though . Would love to see what others think about this.


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