"A Bullfight" (or "Olé Too" - a Watercolor Painting)

in Discovery-it2 years ago

"A Bullfight"
Watercolor on Paper
425gsm, 40cm x 30cm (15¾" x 11⅞")

A few days ago, my darling wife @caro-art unintentionally titled one of her abstract paintings with an errand squiggle. (Click here for the painting and its story.) That got me thinking about painting the missing part of her picture - a bullfight.

Mind you, I don't condone cruelty to animals in any way, shape, or form! I think that bullfighting is a crime against nature and God's creation. Ritualistically torturing an animal and snuffing out its life just for "sport" and some idiotic code of machismo is one of the lowest inventions humankind has ever contrived. And while I'm in the process of pissing off some  people: so is American rodeo and some of the circus "arts".

As a painter, however, I admit - albeit reluctantly - that bullfighting creates compelling images that scream to be committed to canvas or paper. So here is my rendition of a bullfight...

As always, the painting is based on a reference photo found on one of the many free stock photo sites, e.g. Pixabay. Thanks for looking, and please don't forget to upvote and reblog if you liked my art. Until next time!

Vor ein paar Tagen betitelte meine liebe Frau @caro-art völlig unabsichtlich eines ihrer abstrakten Gemälde durch einen missratenen Schnörkel. (Hier klicken für das Bild und die Geschichte.) Das brachte mich auf die Idee, den fehlenden Teil ihres Bildes zu malen - einen Stierkampf.

Wohlgemerkt, ich hasse Tierquälerei, egal in welcher Form! Ich denke, dass der Stierkampf ein Verbrechen gegen die Natur und Gottes Schöpfung ist. Ein Tier rituell zu quälen und sein Leben auszulöschen, quasi als "Sport" und um einen idiotischen Machismo-Kodex zu erfüllen, ist eine der niedrigsten Erfindungen, die die Menschheit je verbrochen hat. Und wenn ich schon dabei bin, einige Menschen zu verärgern: amerikanisches Rodeo und so manche Zirkus-"Kunst" gehören auch dazu.

Als Maler gebe ich jedoch - wenn auch widerwillig - zu, dass Stierkämpfe fesselnde Bilder erzeugen, die förmlich danach schreien, auf Leinwand oder Papier gebannt zu werden. Hier ist also meine malerische Interpretation eines Stierkampfes...

Wie immer ist das Bild nach einem Referenzfoto von einer der vielen freien Foto-Websites wie z.B. Pixabay gemalt. Danke fürs Anschauen, und vergesst bitte nicht das Upvoten und Rebloggen, wenn euch mein Beitrag gefallen hat. Bis zum nächsten Mal!

Original pencil sketch (proof of creative ownership)
Original Bleistiftskizze (Schöpfungsnachweis)


Mein Gott, ich lehne mich mal wieder zwischen alle parat gestellten Stühle. Ich kenne den unblutigen Stierkampf (Herausforderung zwischen Mensch und Tier) aus der Camargue. Sehr angenehm beizuwohnen. Den Rest kannst du dir denken ...

Ja, kenne ich auch. Kann man damit leben, aber trotzdem sollten Tiere nicht als Sportgerät missbraucht werden.

So, jetz geenisch die Sää holle unn fang aan, an denne Stiehlcher zu sääe 🤣

Nuur joo net an de Stiehl sääe - dann muss isch jo noheer uff de ajene Bään schteen.

Ich teile Deine Ansicht was Stierkampf angeht und finde nicht das es durch Eure Bilder gefördert wird. Die sind Klasse auch das von Deiner Frau @caro-art, was ich Ihr ja auch geschrieben habe.

LG Michael


Danke Michael. Wenn ich mir mir darum Gedanken gemacht hätte, hätte ich das Bild nicht gemalt und nicht gepostet. Die Kunstwelt ist voll von Endzeit, Tod und Verderben - auch hier auf Hive. Es ist halt ein Thema, sonst nichts.

Anna hat mit mit ihrem Kommentar aber schon irgendwo recht; die Darstellung eines Stierkampfes hat was von einem heroischen Duell und ist deshalb in gewisser Weise faszinierend. Kein Mensch käme jedoch auf die Idee, einen Kükenschredder zu malen.

Ole! This was creative.

And I like the fact you were trying to compliment your wife's art

Clearly, you achieved it. Well done sir. ❤️

Thank you 😃

You are so welcome

Well, I'm glad I read your text..
Sorry, it's certainly an image of strong colour and I truly do admire your craft, which is incredible, but I'm sure you would shy away from portraying other cruelty, so why this one?
There are many people who wouldn't take the time to read and might be inclined to visit one of those outdated places..
Don't give them food for thought, or maybe only into a different direction.. 😉

I can't argue with you, nor would I. Why would I portray it? I think I explained this already. It is compelling, in the same way filmmakers make movies about the most heinous crimes. Ugliness attracts us and repels us at the same time. That makes it fair game for art.

Of course you're right, there is an "advertising" aspect to the picture, but trust me on this: the sickos who get turned on by this sort of violence don't need my painting to buy tickets to the next bullfight. They have subscriptions.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Well, I'm glad you took no offence, as I meant none by it.. 😀

Yes, advertising is one aspect, but I didn't mean people who like violence, I meant those who don't really have an opinion either way, which is the majority, they just don't care!
Bull fights or donkey rides in the hot desert sun are just a tourist attraction to them.
And if you can just stop one of them to go, then that's a win in my book!

If your painting wasn't quite so heroic, but rather educational instead, maybe showing the suffering bull at the end of the "fight", with the "proud" matador making a fool of himself in the background, then I would have probably put a vote on it. 😉
I do like your paintings, you are very talented!

Anyway, it was great talking to you.. I see you live in my home country!
Lieben Gruss wohin auch immer! 😄

Danke. Der Gruß ging nach Saarbrücken und einer zurück an dich von ebenda.

Super, Danke! 😀

I have to agree with you on the bullfight concept. I'm not into that either. I think its unnecessary in that, it would be possible to maintain the cultural aspect of it without torturing the animal simply by turning it into a "dance" with the bull without slowly killing it with spears and a sword. Judging other cultures is always a bit of a touchy subject but I think at this point it should be universal that cruelty to animals for entertainment purposes isn't a good thing.

Nice painting though!

Couldn't agree more. I would even object to the dance bit. It isn't fair, and it certainly isn't "culture" to get an animal worked up over nothing, because it can't help but to react the way it does. No different from tying cans to a dog's tail: he'll run in sheer panic until his heart gives out.

Anyway, I don't do cultural relativism. If your culture is crap, I'll tell you straight up. My heart is always with the bulls, culture be damned. In all fairness, though, things are slowly changing in Spain (and other places). People are learning, and I don't blame anyone for the sins of their fathers.

Cool picture!

Thank you :-)

@mima2606 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@mima2606 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !