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RE: My Actifit Report Card: May 3 2022🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

in Actifit2 years ago

Thank you @marbrym! Our snails aren't poisonous fortunately. As for the tags; I edit my post in where I can add as many as I like. Otherwise, you limited to what Hive limits us to.

I appreciate your feedback on my posts and humbled that you take the time to read them. Take care and have a lovely day!💜🤗

¡Gracias @marbrym! Afortunadamente, nuestros caracoles no son venenosos. En cuanto a las etiquetas; Edito mi publicación en donde puedo agregar tantos como quiera. De lo contrario, se limitó a lo que Hive nos limita a nosotros.

Agradezco sus comentarios sobre mis publicaciones y me honra que se tome el tiempo para leerlas. ¡Cuídate y que tengas un hermoso día!💜🤗


What a nice detail to translate into Spanish. Yeah, thank God those aren't venomous. That of Actific has caught my attention but I have not yet taken the time to review to see what it is about and what it required from me. But excellent plus that allows you to include more labels. Have a nice day dear @elizabethbit 😊🌺🐌

I am a moderator for actifit and if you need help or have questions, please reach out anytime!💜🤗

Excellent, thank you very much @elizabethbit