Promo Hive on-air at RRI today with Indonesian Hive Community

in INDONESIA4 years ago

© Marechausee Adventura 5.jpg

Dear hivers friends

Today, Saturday 04 July 2020 is the most historic day for the Indonesian Hive Community [IHC] because it got the chance to promote the Hive Blockchain on Radio Republik Indonesia [RRI] Pro 1 Lhokseumawe in the theme of casual chat [Obras], the creativity of Hive blogger doing social action using Cryptocurrency.

Hari ini, Sabtu 04 Juli, 2020 adalah hari yang paling bersejarah bagi Indonesian Hive Community [IHC] karena mendapatkan kesempatan mempromosikan Hive Blockchain di Radio Republik Indonesia [RRI] Pro 1 Lhokseumawe dalam tema obrolan santai [Obras], kreatifitas anak muda melakukan aksi sosial menggunakan Cryptocurrancy.

© Marechausee Adventura.jpg

The program which started from 10:00 to 11:00 am was hosted by @ayijufridar who is also a part of the Indonesian Hive Community, as well as @dilimunanzar and @my451r as speakers.

Acara yang dimulai sejak pukul 10.00 s/d 11.00 wib di pandu oleh host @ayijufridar yang juga merupakan bahagian dari Indonesian Hive Community, serta @dilimunanzar dan @my451r sebagai narasumber.

© Marechausee Adventura 3.jpg

The casual chat was carried out with the cooperation of RRI and IHC to introduce the Hive Blockchain in the midst of communities in Indonesia. The fundamental concern is when the blogger community Hive conducted an open social donation for victims of natural disasters in Central Aceh in May 2020.

Obrolan santai tersebut terlaksana atas kerja sama RRI dan IHC untuk memperkenalkan Hive Blockchain di tengah masyarakat di Indonesia. Hal yang mendasar menjadi perhatian adalah ketika komunitas blogger Hive melakukan aksi sosial open donation bagi korban bencana alam di Aceh Tengah pada Mei lalu.

© Marechausee Adventura 2.jpg

Because it is one of the creativity of Hive blogger in carrying out social action through blockchain-based social media platforms. In the casual chat session, I and @my451r tried to introduce the Hive Blockchain in the midst of Indonesian society. Considering all this time the development of the Hive in Indonesia continues to be a concern.

Karena hal tersebut merupakan salah satu kreativitas anak muda dalam melakukan aksi sosial melalui platform media sosial berbasis blockchain. Dalam sesi obrolan santai tersebut, saya dan @my451r berusaha memperkenalkan Hive Blockchain di tengah masyarakat Indonesia. Mengingat selama ini perkembangan Hive di Indonesia terus menjadi perhatian.

© Marechausee Adventura 1.jpg

One of the points we describe is Hive Blockchain is a social media platform that can monetize content and get Crypto currencies that can be converted in Rupiah. The availability of the market in Indonesia [Indodax] has also made it easier for the Indonesian people to get involved as Content Creators and investors in this blockchain-based and decentralized platform.

Salah satu poin yang kita paparka adalah Hive Blockchain adalah platform media sosial yang dapat memonetisasi konten dan mendapatkan mata uang Crypto yang dapat di convert dalam bentuk Rupiah. Tersedianya market di Indonesia [Indodax] juga semakin mempermudah masyarakat Indonesia untuk terlibat sebagai Creator Content maupun investor di platform yang berbasis blockchain dan disentralisasi ini.

The program which lasted for 1 hour received several questions from listeners who listened to the RRI radio on-air broadcast, it was seen that the community was very eager to participate to join this platform. It seems that in the future it is indeed necessary to have a meet up for the sustainability of the Hive in Indonesia, hopefully, it will be the beginning of the revival of the Hive blockchain in Indonesia, we hope.

Acara yang berlangsung selama 1 jam tersebut mendapat beberapa pertanyaan dari pedengar yang mendengarkan siaran on-air radio RRI tersebut, terlihat minat masyarakat sangat ingin berpartisipasi untuk bergabung ke platform ini. Sepertinya kedepan memang dibutuhkan semacam meet up untuk keberlangsungan Hive di Indonesia, semoga menjadi awal kebangkitan Hive blockchain di Indonesia, harap kami.


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Ho-how njang takaloen muka awakkah, pu hana awak laen bak Hive njoe ilei? Ku vote chiet adak icaih kuh...

Strategi promo yang sangat bagus bg. semoga hive semakin di kenal di indonesia.
