My experience documenting the broiler market in my city

in INDONESIA4 years ago


Hello my Hivers friends!

Today I want to share my experience of visiting a broiler slaughter market in my city, I just so happened to take some pictures when I was buying chicken this afternoon for cooking at home.

Hari ini saya ingin membagikan pengalaman saya mengunjungi pasar pemotongan ayam pedaging di kota saya, kebetulan sekali saya sempat mengambil beberapa gambar ketika sedang membeli Ayam siang tadi untuk masakan di rumah.


Broiler chicken is indeed cheaper than buying local chicken [native chicken]. Besides having a relatively cheaper price, broilers are also very suitable for consumption by frying using fried chicken spices.

Ayam pedaging memang terbilang lebih murah ketimbang membeli ayam lokal [ayam kampung], selain memiliki harga yang relatif lebih murah, ayam pedaging juga sangat cocok untuk dikonsumsi dengan di goreng menggunakan bumbu ayam goreng.


Of course it is very different from native [local] chicken, besides the price is also relatively more expensive, the meat is also quite tough for frying, unless we buy a younger chicken. Of course, with a smaller size than broilers.

Tentu saja berbeda sekali dengan ayam kampung [lokal], selain harganya juga relatif lebih mahal, dagingnya juga lumayan keras jikalau untuk digoreng, kecuali kita membeli ayam yang lebih muda umurnya. Tentu saja dengan ukuran yang lebih kecil ketimbang ayam pedaging.


Well, friends, that's my experience documenting the broiler market in my city, hopefully it will be a positive post and share and know each other through this Hive blockchain platform.

Nah, teman-teman itulah pengalaman saya medokumentasikan pasar ayam pedaging di kota saya, semoga menjadi postingan yang positif dan salaing berbagi serta saling kenal melalui platform Hive blockchain ini.


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