Interpretando CIELITO LINDO con mi violín || [ESP-ENG ]

in Music3 years ago (edited)

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¡Holaaa amigos de Hive feliz ombligo de semana para todos!


Fotografía editada en Canva || Photo edited in Canva

Hello friends of Hive happy navel week to all!

Hoy le tocamos al amor, “Cielito Lindo” es un gran himno para todas las personas que estamos enamoradas. No es solo dedicadas a nosotras las mujeres, muestra el romanticismo mexicano que se ha expandido por el mundo entero. La música de la canción es usualmente tocada por mariachis y representa muy bien la tradición de la música folclórica.

Today we play to love, "Cielito Lindo" is a great hymn for all of us who are in love. It is not only dedicated to us women, it shows the Mexican romanticism that has spread all over the world. The music of the song is usually played by mariachis and represents very well the tradition of folkloric music.

En esta hermosa melodía estuve acompañada por el gran músico @jesusbarrios1304 quien me ha prestado su apoyo acompañándome en su piano, ya que tenia demasiados años que no tocaba mi instrumento.

In this beautiful melody I was accompanied by the great musician @jesusbarrios1304 who has lent me his support accompanying me on his piano, as I had too many years that I did not play my instrument.

Gracias #Hive porque unes a la comunidad a traves del idioma Universal (MÚSICA).

Thank you #Hive because you unite the community through the Universal language (MUSIC)


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