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RE: Writing Music Challenge: The Sisters of Mercy - First and Last and Always

in Music4 years ago

What a cool challenge. Made me write about music again. Actually, it all came together yesterday. The official release of an amazing album for an extraordinary project bringing written words to life through music. Thanks for the trigger to write about and around music again.


A new album? Rare is the moment I hear anything new that I like... even the new Steven Wilson material is not to my taste. Call me old school, and set in the past, but still open to listening to anything new.

I think it depends a bit on what genre you like. In the more popular genres, like pop-music, rock and the likes, I hardly hear anything good. But in many other genres, good music is produced still. Especially in the electronic music genres. Lot of shit stuff, but still, plenty of good stuff. I would even argue, in the classical side of music, cool compositions are created, mostly by the young generations.