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RE: Chandelier - Ed Privat (Cover Visualizer)

in Music β€’ 2 years ago

Oh no!
The pictures are amazing πŸ‘

I can feel the coolness of the breeze, with the gentle waves of the ocean.... no no no its evening already, the ocean waves are mad and tides are crazy by this time πŸ˜… and the level of the waters have increased tremendously.

Still yet, your shots were great.

The arrangement of your music is so brilliant. I love the movement from the "intimate" deep male voice to the "full chest" when you went all out with your voice. That's so brilliant and the guitars stood out.

A wonderful piece πŸ‘

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I can feel the coolness of the breeze, with the gentle waves of the ocean.... no no no its evening already, the ocean waves are mad and tides are crazy by this time πŸ˜… and the level of the waters have increased tremendously.

I love the level of imagination! This was exactly how you described it! πŸ˜„

The arrangement of your music is so brilliant. I love the movement from the "intimate" deep male voice to the "full chest" when you went all out with your voice. That's so brilliant and the guitars stood out.

Hey that's nice of you, thanks for the great comment friend ^^

Take care!