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RE: Dreams & Imaginations: Sunday Morning tunes by Villalobos & Haze

in Music β€’ 3 years ago

Better we stay in English as I could only say klein beetje, and een twee drie and zo 🀣🀣 . However, my second neighbor even doesn't try to talk in other language... his wife at least spaeks a mixture of spanglish 🀣

I just heard again new restrictions starts from tomorrow πŸ˜” and as well a helicopter circulated around? Just now!

What a good idea, to write down the dreams πŸ‘Œ Can you wake up yourself if you have a nightmare? I "learned" how to call my husband to wake me up if I have a bad dream. Good for me, not so good for him πŸ˜‚

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Helicopter invasions everywhere... Maybe we are getting fooled! Alien invasion?

You have a very cool way of getting yourself out of a bad dream! I'll make a note of that. Don't tell your husband, but he could start wearing earplugs πŸ™ƒ

The reason why I can't apply this wakeup system is that I never have a bad dream. What others consider a bad dream, I usually find interesting. Strange me 🀣

Ok, I will not tell him about ear plugs.

I just noticed now your first tag, notsosadsunday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Am I Don Quixote to try to revive SadSunday tag? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ

Helicopter invasion

Trying is always allowed.... I try a lot of things, sometimes I fail misserably, sometimes it turns into a moderate success. 'notsosadsunday' need to keep the fun levels up and up and as much up as I can 🀣🀣🀣