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RE: No rules applies; Just the inner Feelings

in Music3 years ago

The best music comes from emotions. )) I agree completely, only their emotions are not only the Author, but also the listener. In Russia, they say "Every vegetable has its own time" ... If something ever touches you, it will stay with you forever .. But the next generations that have passed "time and place" will already pass by, they have " own music "


You made a very good point. In the end art is all about emotions, timing and how susceptible the listener is the moment he/she hears something.

Added to that, in live performances there is the direct interaction going between the performer and the audience. Interestingly, when I talk with my DJ friends, we from time to time talk about what the DJ should do: Play his/her own music for the gig, or adjust to what the audience gets exited about. A very difficult question since when going for the later it basically means the artists is not following his own emotions/feeling/art and may become more an entertainer than an artist. Though when sticking to the roots, play whatever the artist (DJ) wants, the audience may not be happy at all while they payed for a good night out.

"They can become artists, not artists")) Perfectly worded ... this is exactly what happens to most musicians of all styles, when it is more comfortable and profitable for them to simply perform their popular works than create new ones) But they will no longer be Great, this is the lot of Creators who are constantly in search of themselves in Music

Money speaks often; Unfortunately