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RE: Sad Music but Happy Me!!

in Music3 years ago

This Piece is so nice🥺

I mean just so amazing..

My Sunday on the other hand was more or less like a flop, I was suppose to go to church but missed church service cause I woke up late😪

I tried rushing myself to get prepared for church, but it was too late, so I stayed back home lol


Oh, sorry you missed it, but at least, if you slept well and needed that extra sleep, that is good!! This piece, yeah a nice one, came for SadSunday post, but you saw, I was not any sad hahhaha

Hope you will have a great week @pianokills 🤘

I surely is already having a great week already

Thank you so much!😍😘

Then I hope it will stay this way, you having a great week and weekend 😁🎶🎶

Yeah surely
Thanks so much 😊