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RE: Writing Music Challenge: The Sisters of Mercy - First and Last and Always

in Music4 years ago (edited)

Eldritch needs to cheer up! Can't say it really does it for me. I used to go to a club in Germany called Crash where you would see punks, goths, rockabilly types and other assorted outsiders. Whenever Sisters of Mercy or The Mission came on the goths would flock to the dancefloor and sway back and forth. It was something to see. I like something with a bit more rhythm.

I'll see if I can come up with something. This challenge needs a tag.


This challenge needs a tag.

Does it.. This is why I mentioned to add the post to the Music community. Do people even look at tags?

the goths would flock to the dancefloor and sway back and forth.

Haha, I have never seen this, as it wasn't my thing then.


I reckon she sways from side to side like the chick in the video.

She's done a useful video.

I've not found a video to match my memories, but 'goths dancing' has a lot of results, many from the same few accounts.

LOL hilarious..., 'sway about while looking at the ground expressing your disdain for life'.., is she for real..., I love the music... the image makes me want to fall about laughing.

Well she certainly has the loop. My daughter had a phase of wearing just black and lots of mascara, but she was more into metal. There was a goth girl across the road ages ago. She really stood out in a small village. You have to be dedicated with that look.

There was a goth girl across the road ages ago.

After a few beers, I would have approached her and asked her about Wayne Hussey. If she doesn't know who that is, she's not a real goth.

I worked with a guy who was drummer in an early band with Wayne. Never got the full details of that.