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RE: Singing Ukraine National Anthem in solidarity of those affected by war (in Ukraine and elsewhere). Praying for a better world.

in Music2 years ago

I am honoured you found it comforting and soothing. I know my pronunciation is not perfect but it is done with the heart in its place. Again I am deeply sorry and I hope you find healing after such traumatic events, same for some dear friends still in the middle of the storm.
I do not polarize and divide people by borders, race, religion, beliefs... and I have friends both sides of this line but I believe they would never justify it. We have not spoken about it, not everyone is free to speak sadly. But everyone should be safe to build a home and a life. Song is free and not monetised, it is just linking to some animal shelters. I am also coordinating with some people I know taking in fur babies, and I will forward this support here to them