Gracious Beginnings of the Past

in The Coffee House3 years ago (edited)


*Part of the plot- In life it would seem tragic things happen in threes. . . Maybe good things happen in 3's too but the tragedies seem to be more outspoken per se... it would also seem that before these 3 tragedies, there is a subtle series of events that take place to "prepare" or "be there" to support in ways that make things happen so that one is not left in complete darkness during these times of distress... almost as if the shadow of that someone is carrying you when you can no longer seem to go on.

ChaPter One


Good Day to You, I'm glad you could make it,
for within lies the truth, unspoken and naked,
though my memory has diminished ever so slight,
I can still remember back to the glory days to be polite,
though glory was unheard of for many countries grew spite,
with the burdens of men growing more rampant each night,
manifesting sour vows of vengeance to each's delight.
yes, in forgotten days preceeding now,
many had worried with a crease in the brow,

i would like to forget the evil that plagued us all,
but without it still, there would have been no Call,
and the days of glory would have been a different story,
so here i will tell, what happened one spell,
when the Flame of the south, kissed the North dame on the mouth.
It had all started back, in a North country known as Napsuel,
where the hills were sharp stone, and the air always cool,
amongst the Rivers that did not flow, in a valley coloured as rum,
rested a unique Kingdom, in Which nothing would Grow,
From the Willow, To the Pine, even the Worm with no Spine,
was nothing but frozen rock, not even smalls birds in a flock,
Men of cold hearts and hands to follow,
rest assured their conscience indeed runs hollow,
for even in their sleep when throats cease to swallow,
barren dreams proceed, and in that they would wallow.

a land so desolate with no place to hide
other than skeletons of the trees lain unsurvived
though woven tight in one particular valley,
lies a race not to be denied of the worlds tally,
lead by the throne's master.. one corrupt in His way,
Named at birth Gorentuq"the crafter" the third, titled as The King in his day.
An Army He Kept well in the number,
more men to count the one's minutes of slumber.

He led The People of Napsuel, whom
were Pale as the moon, eyes ringed like the 'coon,
stale aroma of the dead did indeed loom,
They lived underground, within scattered structures of stone,
yet not to be found, for hidden was their towns,
They had no Neighbours, or allies to trust,
for they are the back of the world, thought simply as rust.
forgotten and content with that they would sleep,
living in a world they hermit themselves to keep...
with one outside protection the only way through,
lies a path of infection, more deadly than plague or flu,

it's hidden beyond their land to the east, at the start of the thicket,
where Napsuel mountains give way a path, just utterly wicked,
impossible to pass by both the Righteous and Crooked,
a stretch farther than the eye span can look at.
The path remains deaf to all pitter and patter,
for like said just now no critter or hatter,
can make it through no matter...


The skin of the path is alive, less a handfull will tell,
laid to rest is the hide, stripped off the forbidden of hell.
cursed and stricken with death the path does contain,
one pulse, not quite a being, raised from wrath and pain,
a giant lurking alone insane, the flesh of him sadly bloodstained.
unresting he treds the path with no sandle,
feeling his way about at night with no candle,
the attitude of which only the path of Agor can handle.
the path and Agor they are as one,
speaking to eachother in a forbidden tounge,
together they rule the woods with an evil intention,
to slay all that enter into their dimension,
Not always that way, brought on by contention
Voted there by the world, Agor lay in detention.

At the beginning of Agor when he was around 5,
He watched His own mother burned at the stake alive.
his father ran off so he was unknown,
and a bastard title to Agor was bestown,
and slavery at 7 to Agor became known.
tatooed and branded as the property of,
Agor would be punished dispite innocent love,
Years Agor thought of his Mother sweet dove,
and how Kind and Gentle a person truly she was,
He knew her heart and how Innocent she was,
when convicted Guilty, his mother they plan to rid of,
Though through it all she showed her true love,
and prayed for her son outloud while she was at the stake thereof..
So Sad as it was how It all ended up,
with Agor enslaved as a lost little pup.
many years had went on in the poor boys life,
Whippings and beatings, and scarring for life.
But he kept alive, though close to death many a time,
as he knew for some reason his fate was in time,
as the boy neared 13 he was already a man,
standing 2 heads higher than any other man,
Power and strength in the arms he had,
This boy turned man and one day he grew mad,
though who could be blamed, the "owner" or boy,
the day Agor tossed his owner around like a toy,

The night it happened Agor was day dreaming a thought,
when he heard a whisper from no particuiar spot,
Not familiar with the tone he spoke,
"why am i not familiar with your voice? and what do you mean I can be given a choice?"

there was a pause then the whisperer croaked,
" But you are familiar and this i can show.." then out of the corner came a faint golden glow.
in the hand of the stranger unseen, was the necklace and ring of Agors' mother Shaleen.
Those Items Agor thought had been lost to the Embers,
Now thinking back Agor specifically remembers,
While his mother prayed she held in her hand,
her Own mothers necklace and ring, the stamp of their land,
inturrupted though by the hoarse sounding voice,

"Well, Agor? Answer me, do you want your choice? do you want the freedom to come and go as you wish? to instead prepare your OWNSELF a dish? come my lad, tell me it so, and these precious Jewels to you ill bestow."
"What do you ask of me that i may recieve, the jewels of my faint mother that has bereaved?
" I Don't ask anything, for its you who must ponder,
is it worth slaving away in abuse? Just wonder.... what do you have holding you back, your ten times the size of any pack."
" what are you suggesting "


"Nothing really Just minor correcting, come with me and take these.. they're yours, all u have to do is go through those 2 doors." the hand points to the direction of the masters bed room, the only light the gloom from the moon. and both their shadows on the wall loom.

In the Misdt of the evening out in the same town,
was a fine lady, dressed for occasion in a white Gown,
it was supposed to be the most glorious Night
Everything had started in spectaculiar sight.
everything perfecty planned with all Kings Knights
for was 'spose to be a wedding of the Kings delight,
His daugher he intended to give away to a man,
But not to just any man!
A man He considered upright and Bold,
A man Not to young, and certinly not old,
A man charming and handsom, and warm in the cold,
a man he figured perfect for his daughter,
A man unstained, unfoiled, no blotter,
A man with whom he would have no bother,
A man to whom he would be a proud Father,
A Man that knew only his love had bought her,
A man. Yes......
Truely the Thought illed poor King Ling,
sick in the heart he started to sing..
"My Precious Princess, 20 years watching u grow,
Precious princess How can daddy let you go,
My baby Princess, watching you depart from me,
Baby Princess, Praying to God happy You'll be,
Ill Miss you forever more,
Know in Love your Never Poor,
Ill pray for you every night and day,
For the love we share will never Fray,
Baby Princess, Spred your Wings
May The Future Hold Brighter Things.
Bless you Princess on your wedding,
Let the Love of God be your bedding."
The King left his song suddenly in tears,
startled by the outburst of engaging cheers,
In the Room barged in the merry men,
counting them was one short of 10....
Among them all gleamed a proud looking Gent,
Surely the crowd was where ever he went,
down to his left was a short little stout,
dressed as best man to serve the groomsman no doubt,
four of the other 7 wearing poofy red hats,
represent service of Rahn and will lay out the mats,
2 of the 4 remaining are brothers of the groom,
wearing silk woven shorts and shirts stained bright "ploom"
dancing around their eldest brother, with joy in their look,
For supposed to be the night no other, with a big fish to hook.
A fish to hook? that doesn't sound right!
oh but for sure! planned out perfectly tight.
a pernicious plot devised by One so malicious,
an evil deed brought forth by King Rahn's wishes.
for behold King Ling holds the last living flame,
a key holding closed the portal to the criminally insane.
one of 3 flames to have ever been passed on,
back over 2000 years during the Rule of Kahn,

Kahn was the Great Father Of Rahn, yet different in ways
For Kahn knew no evil in all of his days.
The world before the reign in which kahn held,
was pure the work of chaos

Kahn was once ruler of kingdom come,
and justice he served with a stern steady thumb,
That all who bore witness thought him the ONE.
But humble he be, Kahn always knew,
denied the destiny to bring about the true
for there was another waiting in times boo
the Sleuth, which some thought simply as Two.



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