How the minimalism used by my parents influenced my upbringing

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

I am the oldest of four siblings. For four years I was alone with my parents as my second brother was born four years after my birth. At that time my parents did not have a house of their own, so we lived in rented accommodation for a long time. My father worked as a laborer in a company and his salary was not enough to give us everything that society considers necessary for children.



When we four children were already at home, things remained the same in terms of the economy. My parents instilled in us the fact that we should not get carried away by others. What others acquire should not affect us. That is easy to say, however, it is also easy to carry out when you have creative parents who made me feel fulfilled. At no time, as a daughter, did I feel that I lacked anything, because even though I didn't have the best toys, I had parents who were dedicated to giving me the best thing a child can receive, their time and attention.

My dad would come home from work tired and immediately start playing with my siblings and me. He would make us papagayos, paper figures, he would get us involved in whatever activity he was going to do and without a doubt, that time he spent with us was far more valuable than any expensive toy that society tried to present as something indispensable for raising children.



My parents often told us that we should thank God for having the basics, namely a roof over our heads, food, clothes and a close bond between us. Whenever there was an opportunity, they would buy us toys and even though they were not the ones shown on TV advertisements, we enjoyed them to the fullest. This enjoyment came from the presence of mom and dad in our games.

It was not about conformism, it was about adapting with joy to what my dad, with his hard work, could acquire for our leisure time. I fondly remember him taking us up a mountain to fly the papagayos he had made for us, while mom would bring sandwiches for us to eat while we were on the mountain.



Being so close to nature with the people you love is priceless. In that context it doesn't even matter what brand your shoes are or if we are going to eat the best sandwich, the important thing was to be with my parents and my siblings. Climbing the mountain was free, we were not in a big club or a fancy restaurant, but we enjoyed it to the fullest because we were together and felt the love, care and protection of our parents.

On more than one occasion the papagayo was lost in the air, the air currents were so strong that sometimes the wick with which we were flying it broke, but that gave my dad the opportunity to figure out so that the next time we went out we would take a resistant material. Seeing the papagayo in the sky, free and untethered was very exciting. We would come home happy and eager to return to that hill that gave us shelter regardless of the fact that we were simple people.



At all times, my parents helped us to understand that living with the bare necessities was the best way of life, as it allowed us to spend quality family time and strengthen our family ties. My dad could provide us with "a better lifestyle", from the point of view of most people, that lifestyle is characterized by the child not lacking anything luxurious, however, if my dad agreed to this erroneous propaganda he would have made a big mistake, he would have had to work longer and this would result in spending less time with us. My dad made the best decision, to work for the basics and spend as much time as possible with his family.

I am now an adult and I treasure the beautiful moments my parents dedicated to me. With ingenuity, creativity and common sense you can win the battle against the lifestyle that puts the excessive acquisition of material goods before the beautiful and lasting relationship that a family can have.






It's a big world for small people. Re-posting this. 🙏🏽🌷🎊🕯🕯

Hello @goodforkids 😃😃

I thank you for taking the time to read a little about my life, it makes me very happy. Whenever I can contribute something good to at least one person, it gives me great comfort.

Thank you very much 🤗🤗🤗

Hello @abisag

I could sense so my gratitude in your story, which I believe is due to the way your parents raised you.

I had parents who were dedicated to giving me the best thing a child can receive, their time and attention.

One could not ask for more than this, heh?

It was not about conformism, it was about adapting with joy to what my dad, with his hard work, could acquire for our leisure time.


Very nice post, I'm glad you decided to share this story with us:)

small KISS Gif.gif
Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips

Hello @millycf1976

Thank you so much for reading my post, as you mention, I am very grateful for the beautiful childhood my parents gave me. I will never forget so much love and dedication.

It is a pleasure for me to share part of my life in this beautiful community.

A big hug 🤗🥰🤗🥰

I'm very glad you did:)))
See you around 🤗

Thank you very much 💓💓💓

I had never thought of this humble and selfless lifestyle as minimalist, but it really makes a lot of sense and you've described it quite well.

It's wonderful to be able to look back and say, I didn't need anything else to make me feel happy while depending on others, that as you say, is priceless.

A big hug @abisag

So it is to look back and feel satisfied with the way my parents strove to bring me happiness with little in the way of material things, it is something I treasure in my heart.

With love, dedication and creativity, many things take a back seat. That is precisely what my wonderful parents did.

Thank you so much for your appreciation.😉😉😉

A big hug back @ninaeatshere 🥰💞🥳

Hello @abisag,

This is a beautiful story. I was moved as I read it and it gave me joy for you. I also felt that as a mother I am doing well as I have an only child and although we can give it our all, we have not done so because we want a human being who values the real things in life as you do. A home with parents present is priceless, you have been blessed. I send you a big hug! 🌻

Hello dear friend @chaodietas 😃

I am very happy that you liked my publication. You are absolutely right, a home with parents present is a blessing that I have thoroughly enjoyed. I pray a lot to my God Jehovah to take care of them at all times and to help me to take care of them at all times.

You are a great mother and I have no doubt that your son will be a great person.

A big hug 🥰💞😘