English-Espanish--The visit of a small but great being/La visita de un pequeño pero gran ser

in Photography Lovers3 years ago
Authored by @arauz15

The praying mantis

Hello to all the members of Hive and readers of the community I hope you are having a great day, well this time I share two images of the visit of a small being that used to ask me the question about its size since I came to think that it was a little bigger than imagined but I already saw that not.

It is a praying mantis that perched on my mother's plants and well when I saw it I was attracted by its peculiarity since it did not run away as I thought, it is more I put my hand on the branches to see what happened and well, she arrived up to me. Of course, if it had been a being that represented danger to me, I would not have even approached him but knowing everything about this tiny being, I did not find it inconvenient to approach him and pose on my hand.

Own image

The interesting thing is that at first glance anyone would think that it is harmless and it may well be for us but in its environment it is a warrior because an insect that crosses its path is most likely its next victim, the same happens at the moment of mating since the female is a little bigger than the male and as such once the act is finished the male must escape so as not to lose his head and become food for the female.

Own image

reference image


Hola a todos los miembros de Hive y lectores de la comunidad espero que esten pasando un dia estupendo, bueno en esta ocasion comparto dos imagenes de la visita de un pequeño ser, y que solia hacerme la pregunta sobre su tamaño ya que llegue pensar que era un poco mas grande de lo imaginado pero, ya vi que no.

Se trata de una mantis religiosa que posaba sobre las plantas de mi madre y bueno al verla me senti atraido por su peculiaridad ya que no salio huyendo como pensaba, es mas le puse mi mano sobre las ramas para ver que sucedia y bueno, ella llego hasta mi. Por supuesto que si hubiese sido un ser que representase peligro para mi, ni siquiera me le hubiese acercado pero conociendo todo sobre este diminuto ser no le encontre inconveniente en acercarme y que posara sobre mi mano.

Lo interesante es que a simple vista cualquiera pensaria que es inofensiva y pueda que si para nosotros pero en su entorno es toda una guerrera pues insecto que se le cruce en su camino lo mas probable es que sea su proxima victima, lo mismo sucede al momento de aparearse ya que la hembra es un poco mas grande que el macho y como tal una vez finalizan el acto el macho debe escaparse para no perder la cabeza y se convierta en alimento de la hembra.