The Rooster and his Chickens - Photography post

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

Currently the area I'm living in has low cases of COVID-19 and we've been meeting a select group of people, including the family of my wife. We've been regularly tested with COVID-19 and some of us have been vaccinated already. So no serious risk caused by this.

Someone will come and tell you if I got COVID-19 and died.


I was visiting my mother-in-law and they have some chickens. I had taken my camera with me and decided to get a few photos of the chickens walking around, BUT, the first thing I saw was the rooster.

And the rooster saw me.


And as they've had different roosters, lousy ones and OK ones, this seemed like a really healthy, strong rooster. And it wasn't too happy to see me.

It started running almost instantly and even though it wasn't really fast, I decided I'd need to back off a bit and decided to go around the building.



As I had backed away behind the corner, the rooster seemed to have calmed down a bit.

Only for a second.


As it saw me again, it started running at me AGAIN. But luckily it slowed down after a few steps and I continued my walk behind the building.

The rooster didn't follow me any longer. I'm not sure if it thought I'd be a threat OR if it was hoping I have some food for it. That's what my mother-in-law assumed.

"It was probably just looking for some food!"

Yeah right. It was probably going to eat me.


So I finally got to what I wanted to do...

Take photos of.. chickens asses?


As there was only one chicken to be seen on this side of the building, I returned to the rooster and the other chickens. This time I kept my distance.


The rooster was flapping it's wings and I'm 95% sure that's not a signal to say "Hey I'm so happy to see you friend, I'm not sure why you ran."

But I might be wrong.


Then it expanded it's neck like a dinosaur from Jurassic Park before the fat bastard got killed.

And I'm 95% sure this is not his way to say "Please approach me you gentle white beast".

But I might be wrong.



But yes. The rooster was with some chickens. As I've been telling you, MOST snow has already melted away, but not all of it. Here we see some blindingly white snow in the background.




The rooster is a gentleman. He isn't staring at the chicken butts. Of course not.

Instead he's (pretending to watch?) watching away. Like the snow would actually be intersting.


But what is this?

Was the rooster only looking for his most beloved chicken and planning to run away with her?


The lovers quickly ran from the other chickens and tried to escape together.

With long, beautiful steps they ran across the garden and over the muddy road to safety.



I'm not sure what they were going to do in those bushes, but I decided it's not worth the risk to find out.

So this will remain as a mystery.



So beautiful photos! That rooster looks so proud ^_^

Thank you!

The rooster looks really proud and he should be. He's a good rooster. The previous one... kind of disappeared. Probably because of something bigger than the rooster :D

Definitely Cock of the Walk... great shots and awesome post! Surprised there wasn't any bread to be found.... ;)

Very good photographs. In my backyard I have a rooster and several hens.

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