The most difficult animal I've photographed so far / El animal mas dificil que he fotografiado hasta ahora

in Photography Lovers3 years ago


What's up people how are you? welcome to a new post, I think this is the hardest test I've done to my phone camera xD I had to take a lot of pictures, I think they are very good considering the value of the equipment.

Que pasa gente como estan? sean bievenidos a un nuevo post, creo que esta es la prueba mas dificil que le hecho a la camara de mi telefono xD tuve que tomar muchisimas fotos, creo que estan muy buenas considerado el valor del equipo.




I thought the spider was a challenge but nothing further from the truth, these little wasps or so I think, from what I read the bees have little hairs and the ones without hairs are avipas, they are really small maybe 3 times smaller than the spider, I got tired of searching trying to find the species of these little friends but I didn't find them.

pensaba que la araña era un reto pero nada mas lejo de la realidad, estas pequeñas avispas o eso creo, por lo que lei las abejas tienen pelitos y las que no tienen pelos son avipas, son realmente pequeñas tal vez 3 veces mas pequeñas que la araña, me canse de buscar intentando encontrar la especie de estas pequeñas amigas pero no los encontre.





They are a little more than a year old in the wall, so I have left them alone because if they don't bother me I don't have to bother them, besides they are too calm, I have touched them and they don't have any kind of aggressive reaction unlike the bees xD those ones did hit me in the mother when I tried to knock down a honeycomb.

Tienen poco mas de un año en la pared, asi que las he dejado tranquilas porque si no me molestan yo no tengo porque molestarlas, ademas de que son demasiado tranquilas, he llegado a tocarlas y no tienen ningun tipo de reaccion agresiva a diferencia de las abejas xD esas si me dieron en la madre cuando intente tumbar un panal.



Well I hope you liked the pictures, I really took a lot of them and looked for the best ones, see you in a future post.

Bueno espero que les hayan gustado las fotos, realmente tome muchas y busque las mejores, hasta un proximo post.


Great work! Cheers to the Hive !BEER

thanks dude!

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