Bajo el influjo de la Luna Llena 🌚 / Under the influence of the full moon 🌚

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)
La Luna, nuestro satélite natural, inspiración de poetas, enamorados y artistas, presente desde tiempos inmemoriales en historias y leyendas así como en la cultura de muchos pueblos y tribus ancestrales. Dicen que la luna influye en las cosechas, en el nivel de las aguas y hasta en el comportamiento de todos los seres vivos.

The Moon, our natural satellite, inspiration for poets, lovers and artists, present since time immemorial in stories and legends as well as in the culture of many ancient peoples and tribes. They say that the moon influences harvests, water levels and even the behavior of all living beings.


En la mayoría de las culturas la luna está asociada a la energía femenina y a la fertilidad, ya que su ciclo, al igual que el ciclo menstrual de las mujeres, es de 28 días. También ha sido la compañera inseparable del mundo espiritual y mágico ya que por lo general es en la noche cuando se realizan la mayoría de los rituales y hechizos.

In most cultures, the moon is associated with feminine energy and fertility, since its cycle, like the menstrual cycle of women, is 28 days. It has also been the inseparable companion of the spiritual and magical world since it's usually at night when most of the rituals and spells are performed.

Me encanta todo lo relacionado a la astronomía y al misticismo así que aprovechando que mañana
(ya hoy a partir de medianoche) es noche de luna llena, quiero compartir con ustedes algunas de las muchas fotos que le he tomado, tanto en cielos despejados como nublados.

I love everything related to astronomy and mysticism, so taking advantage of the fact that tomorrow is full moon night (already today from midnight), I want to share with you some of the many photos I have taken of the moon, in both clear and cloudy skies.















No solo de noche se puede ver la luna, muy temprano en la mañana también podemos disfrutar de su belleza.

Not only at night we can see the moon, we can also enjoy her beauty early in the morning.




Hermosa, misteriosa, amiga eterna de la noche, acompañando con su presencia los más tenebrosos cuentos de terror así como las más románticas historias de amor. Bueno amigos, feliz noche y un lindo amanecer. Gracias por su tiempo.

Beautiful, mysterious, eternal friend of the night, accompanying with her presence the darkest horror stories as well as the most romantic love ones. Well friends, good night and a nice sunrise. Thanks for your time.

Todas las fotos fueron hechas por mi con mi celular Redmi 9T / All photos were taken by me with my Redmi 9T cellphone

Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.

Hasta la próxima.


Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.

Until next post.



I generally don´t sleep well quite often but I never sleep well on full moon night. In fact, usually also 1 or 2 nights before and after the full moon. Just like you, I find the full moon fascinating but at the same time, I also hate it because of the poor sleep :D :/

Cool photos btw!

🤣🤣🤣 really? Oh, I'm sorry for you 😴 Maybe there's a lycanthrop 🐺inside you that feels exhited when the full moon comes and that doesn't let you sleep. I have a deep sleep with or without moon hahaha. Thanks 🤗🐱🤘

Yes, really :) But there are actually many people who don´t sleep well during the full moon, you can find some scientific studies proving this. Maybe there are some little werewolves in us indeed, who knows :D Anyway, healthy deep sleep is really a bless so you can be grateful for that ;)

I have heard that, specially with people that their horoscopes are water signs, Cancer, Scorpion and Pisces. Sure deep sleep it's a blessing, I should take more advantage of it and go to bed earlier because I 'm like cats you know, I love to do things at night 😼😸 🤷🏻‍♀️ like vampires do, too 🤭🤭🧛🏻‍♀️

I´m actually Taurus but I don´t trust the horoscope much ;) I´m the owl type of person too. Always been in my life. Go to bed late and wake up late :) But combined with insomnia, you can easily turn your whole regime upside down. I remember times when I couldn´t fall asleep before 5 or 6 AM even if I go to bed before midnight. Fortunately, it´s much better now. But like I said, a deep solid healthy sleep is a real blessing that shouldn´t be taken for granted ;)

Hmm, organized, feet on the ground, dominante and stubborn Taurus 🐂 You don't? Hahaha, I love everything related to astrology since I was a little girl 🪐🌌🌠✨💫🌑🌕
Wow, that must be hard, insomnia with going to sleep late 🥴 I do the opposite, I go to bed late but I wake up early because I exercise 🏃🏻‍♀️ 😁 and I really can't sleep until late hahaha and I never have liked to sleep during the day, I hate that hahaha, for me it's like waste your life
I do feel privileged and blessed for my quick and deep sleep, I can even sleep with lights, noise, talking and music around me 🤭😴

Go to bed late but wake up early, that´s cool :D It means your body doesn´t need as much sleep as most people. I don´t need much sleep either, just 6 to 7 hours is perfectly fine for me. The problem was that very often, I only got like 3 hours due to my insomnia and if you sleep only 3 hours per night for a longer period of time, it has some devastating effects on you. But enough talking about sleep, it´s 11 PM here in Czechia so I better get some sleep rather just talking about it :D Buenas noches!