Opatovice quarry / Opatovický lom

in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)

Today my family and I decided to go to a place that is close, but we have not been there yet. After consulting the map, we chose Opatovice.
What are Opatovice?
It is a village not far from Hranice na Moravě (Czech Republic), there is a football field, not far from it a well with stinky mineral water and behind the village there is a flooded quarry.
The quarry is said to be 37 meters deep and two excavators are drowned at the bottom. It is said to be a very pleasant swimming pool in the summer, but now in April we were there alone.

Dnes jsme se s rodinou rozhodli jet na místo, které je blízko, ale my tam ještě nebyli. Po konzultaci s mapou jsme zvolili Opatovice.
Co jsou Opatovice?
Je to vesnice kousek od Hranic na Moravě, je tam fotbalové hřiště, kousek od něj studánka se smradlavou kyselkou a za vesnicí je zatopený lom.
Lom je prý 37 metrů hluboký a na dně jsou utopené dva bagry. V létě je to prý velmi příjemné koupaliště, ale teď v dubnu jsme tam byli sami.



In the first two pictures, the surface is really like a mirror. When I got tired of the reflections, I enlivened the composition in the third picture by throwing a stone, which created a wave :)

Na prvních dvou obrázcích je hladina opravdu jako zrcadlo. Když jsem se nabažil odrazů, oživil jsem na třetím snímku kompozici hozením kamene, čímž vzniklo vlnění :)



Originally posted on Pavel's photography. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.