Two heli's

After the "real" aircraft in the previous articles, it was the turn of helicopters.
The photos show a Mi-24 combat helicopter and a Mi-171 transport helicopter.

Both helicopters are among the most widely used in the world, but in terms of current technology they are hopelessly outdated. They will soon be replaced in the Czech army by the AH-1Z Viper and UH-1Y Venom helicopters.

Po "opravdových" letadlech v minulých článcích přišla řada i na vrtulníky.
Na fotkách je bitevní Mi-24 a dopravní Mi-171.

Obě helikoptéry patří k nejrozšířenějším na světě, ale z hlediska současné technologie jsou už beznadějně zastaralé. V české armádě budou brzy nahrazeny helikoptérami AH-1Z Viper a UH-1Y Venom.








I'd definitely love to fly a helicopter someday. It's always been my dream to fly one. They look so cool

what do you think about Mi-38
it has suitable length, I think it's from Russia origin yes?

From a photographic point of view, the Mi-38 is a beautiful machine.
I know nothing about its "combat value" :)

Different kind of birds :)