Not sure this ...


After my cold-blooded performance at the counter, and my no less cold-blooded and worthy departure, I decided it might be a good idea to take a closer look at the exit of the building ...

But, I fear I turned wrong somewhere ...

It is probably due to the fact that they use the same green from the ceilings for the walls. A person would get disoriented for less!

In the meantime it is quite dark here I must say, and I doubt whether I should continue or return on my steps ... who knows what kind of nasty I will encounter on this floor ...

And for the curious among you ...
Yes, it is still the same building from my last posts ...
And yes, this story is made up ...
And yes, it was dark up there ...
And yes, yes, yes, I saw that exit-sign ... but aren't you curious to see what can be experienced on this floor? 😉

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