Elders of Nepal | Portraits|

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)



When you grow up, you are used to watching old people. Most of the time, they would look the same to you even after a decade. But, their appearance change with time added with wrinkles, but also their story gets collected over a period of time. Elders are highly respected in Nepal. And, it's often said, " Listen to old folks and bask from logs(bonfire)". It's heartwarming to listen to elders just like the bonfire warmth in the winter. Here, the elders are wearing traditional dresses of Nepal. Born around 1950s, they go through their own apparel. While some these days, blend with the modern as well. The cap is "Dhaka Topi", and it's a national cap. While the lady is wearing the traditional necklace with a "Dhaka" get-up (one with patterns. ), As its name, the cloth was originally imported from Dhaka(Bangladesh), and the design is done in Nepal. While, as in the last photo, the half-coat with a t-shirt is a popular dress among elders these days.
What are the stories? Usually, they would love to share insights on tradition, life, philosophy, and sometimes politics as well. Often fearless, they are blunt on certain topics too like the youths stuck on cell phones. That blends well with smiles from the listeners. And, are not taken in a harsh way. I believe in most parts of the world, elders would also talk about changing technologies, and their adaptation has simplified life over the years. Here, the most common conversations are the past stories; walking miles to go to school, climbing hills to get fodder for animals, harsh life in agriculture, working the whole day to feed families, etc. It sounds privileged to be in the present time when we listen to and go through their hardship stories. While the changing peace in present days makes the past a boon. I believe, Sometimes It's not the phase of time, it's what we make our lives out of it.

I hope you going through the blog. I have added black and white as well, to tell the visual story.

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It's sad that some young folks in our western culture don't pay attention to elders. We can only keep our traditions for generations if we pass wisdom along.. but what happens when youngsters reject traditions and only seek futility? It's gonna be scary in 50-60 years.

(I believe )I would consider two different changing perspectives; there is something that needs to be changed from the past from a wisdom perspective, and there is something that should carry on for generations. Some Youths have found confusion to mold themselves in between these two dynamics and have lost themselves in their own self-judgment and self-belief.