Fortina Day, January 16th

in Photography Loverslast year (edited)

Things on my mind this morning: my overzealous financial planner, my paltry financials and the likelihood of attending NFT.NYC AND Pokemon. Things I wish to accomplish today? They varied but I want to get a water bottle for someone thoughtful, to learn how to program investment automation and to organize scheduled tidbits for Twitter. My contemporaries all forged ahead, and I would not be myself who I am if I didn't picture myself with 'em.


Picking Pokemon

In my conquest for victory, I chose Pokemon that fit certain asthetics. No wonder I lag in my journey to train them all - am fettered by favorites. Similarly in my Way of writing, even photography- I sought things that pleased the mind, leading to inaction, many times failure. Musashi cautions.

"The warrior should avoid harboring a preference for any given weapon."
Miyamoto Musashi

If I am to make small habits and orchestrate remarkable changes, I must admit the folly of favoritism. "Too much of one thing is just as bad as not enough. Do not imitate what others are using." My journey on the Way of the trainer would begin at the start of the Hoenn pokedex, as I once did earlier on in years.

It's 2023, no more panderin'.

If founders of defunct exchanges can do anything, it might be to inspire iteration. Oxford defines iteration as the repetition of a process or utterance; versions. But I ask, do we want more of the same? Favoritism for the viral and internet famous might make you a buck today, but it certainly wouldn't teach you to create wealth. Following them again, is not the way, I say. "Too much" of these fraudsters like Logan is the same as "not enough" honest creators and builders. Thus, I have my motive to make more.


NFT.NYC: April 12-14th

The window for general registration ended March 1st. I wanted to attend especially to hear a good friend and fellow creative speak. After sharing her story to an audience, her work caught the attention of users- enough to propel her to the front page of the art marketplace for nearly a week. Alyssa's tale reminds of the parable of the ice cube. Increasing the temperature one degree wouldn't show a dramatic change, no, but once it rose past the melting point, it would be plain to see how much potential built up. In my own way, I would build potential with more and more committment devices. I am determined to see her speak, network and share my creativity to inform and entertain and I would do so, by paying for the ticket, fourteen bucks a day.

As James Clear explains concerning #atomichabits -success is less about making good habits easy and more about making bad habits hard. The inversion of the 3rd Law of Behavior Change is: make it difficult - but how? A commitment device. A commitment device, for new readers, is a choice you make in the present that controls your actions in the future.

Per my situation, I would save for the ticket by committing fourteen dollars everyday, to buy the ticket. Deducting from my discretionary funds each day and "paying in advance" for the ticket would answer many aspects. It would be easy, via my mobile banking app. Obvious, for lack of a way to complicate matters, money today would be my ticket tomorrow. And as a gamer, I would find tracking the stats of money saved (or part of ticket purchased) satisfying enough to stay motivated. In addition, asking for friends and readers to follow up and remind me of my commitment would subtly enlist accountability partners, those I can rely on to keep unwanted behaviors in check.

I just put the money where my wallet is.

Proving the potential

Zigzagoon and Whismur had the same base total stats. They could be early Normal-type twins, Romulus and Remus, of humble origin. Whismur would evolve twice more whereas Zigzagoon would only once, but the real kicker was an overlooked fact. Each Pokemon was an asset, the right investment pays handsomely. The more I chose to view, the deeper I dug. Mining for ore is the craft, but the reward... Our options could be tested for their viability via their base totals, too.


I wasn't closer to building bots, but the way forward took shape as the sun set. I haphazardly set up a soft landing for Genesis and her referrals. I couldn't knock her gumption to drive business. Discernment isn't favoritism and I seemed to favor normalcy- motion over action. Misunderstanding the Way could leave you out in the middle of Nowhere without Courage. And yet, people responsible for massive failures stayed viral for not ever quitting. They're like Mike, if for nothing else.


I'm not certain how I'm orchestrating the trip to New York. I would need a plan, tally of my tools, and maybe something to offer in exchange. Not to ponder, or grow beautiful flowers but to raise hearty harvest, fruits of labor. A team of favorites didn't assure victory- better I use everything, lest it be nothing at all.

"It doesn't matter if you lose the game, just don't lose your cool."

Post Summary

  • I was beating myself by not exploring all the Pokemon I could train.
  • Progress isn't seen, but it can be felt, especially past the breaking point.
  • Saving 14 a day could be the difference in making it to Hudson Yards.
  • Failure is acceptable, says Zenyatta, but giving up is not.